Conscientize Learners With Littering in Environmental Education by Using Action Research Activities

Conscientize Learners With Littering in Environmental Education by Using Action Research Activities

Tsebo Kgoto Mashiloane, Tome' Awshar Mapotse
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2642-1.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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The aim of this chapter is to provide delegates with a fresh perspective on the littering challenges facing schools and homes in developing countries today, as well as the established skills and awareness intervention strategies necessary to overcome these challenges hence sustaining the teaching of Environmental Education (EE). The extend of Africa's ignorance of EE subject amongst teachers has intensified and reinforced that action research (AR) be regarded as a tool for learner emancipation in the teaching of EE. EE is still seen as a foreign concept by many teachers and a notion that can be down played in school curriculum and home territory. In this chapter EE has find its way into school environment successfully and effectively through engaging learners as co-researchers with action research approach. The study was designed from educational living paradigm and is underpinned by collaborative learning theory. An intervention in the form of action research spiral cycle activities with the learners has managed to make them conscious about littering.
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The Role And Conceptualization Of Environmental Education Within School And Home Setup

EE is a flexible extra-curricular feature of education that can be taught and practised at home and in all grades levels at school to increase people’s awareness on the environment to alleviate environmental challenges. As EE is not bound to the classroom situation only (Maluleke, 2015). Das (2014: 13) corroborate that EE is not restricted to in-class lesson plans only as there are numerous ways learners can learn about the environment in which they live. For example experiential lessons in the schoolyard and field trips to national parks or after-school green clubs and/or school wide sustainability projects, the environment is a topic, which is readily and easily accessible. The theoretical part of learning and hands-on activities of EE in the environment should impart knowledge that leads to action orientated. Accordingly, EAR activities in EE are influential at home and school as these activities offer knowledge and action.

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