Concerning the Integration of Machine Learning Content in Mechatronics Curricula

Concerning the Integration of Machine Learning Content in Mechatronics Curricula

Jörg Frochte, Markus Lemmen, Marco Schmidt
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6291-1.ch022
(Individual Chapters)
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Machine learning is becoming more and more important for mechatronic systems and will become an ordinary part of today's student life. Thus, it is obvious that machine learning should be part of today's student's curriculum. Unfortunately, machine learning seldomly is implemented into the curriculum in a substantial or linking manner, but rather offered as an elective course. This chapter provides an analysis of how machine learning can be integrated as a mandatory part of the curriculum of mechatronic degree courses. It is considered what the required minimal changes in fundamental courses should be and how traditional subjects like robotics, automation, and automotive engineering can profit most of this approach. As a case study, this chapter utilizes an existing German mechatronic degree course specialized on information technology, which covers most of the discussed aspects.
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An Overview On Machine Learning

Which aspects of machine learning are now the most important ones for mechatronics? One taxonomy for machine learning approach divides them into

  • Supervised,

  • Unsupervised

  • And reinforcement methods.

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