Conceptual Design Principles for Data-Driven Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS): Developing Useful and Relevant CDSS

Conceptual Design Principles for Data-Driven Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS): Developing Useful and Relevant CDSS

Dimitrios Zikos
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5499-2.ch009
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In an era where health organizations are constantly striving to increase the quality of care amidst significant challenges, such as the recent pandemic, the development of clinical decision support systems (CDSS) can make contextually relevant predictions that can contribute to more efficient and safe health systems. This chapter outlines the conceptual design principles for data-driven clinical decision support systems. It starts by explaining to the reader the user setting and healthcare data use characteristics to discuss 11 principles and considerations for designing contextually data-driven models for clinical decision-making. The chapter was written to be comprehensive to a wide range of audiences and is meant to be enjoyable for readers without an extensive background in data science.
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Appropriate use of clinical data is the cornerstone for accurate and safe clinical decisions and to improve patient outcomes and overall organizational performance (Nicholson et al., 2017). This is especially important when health systems are challenged by extreme situations, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Several types of health-related information, from various resources, are accessed and reviewed together by clinical decision-makers who then make informed clinical decisions (Greenes, 2014). When hospitals are filled to capacity and the care demands are high, the clinical decision-makers need to have available tools which facilitate improved access to information and decision-making.

For decades now, researchers have been seeking ways to provide information tools to clinicians and therefore assist them in making better decisions. Before the decade of 2000s, most of these systems were based on hardcoded knowledge associations. They were not data-driven, but instead knowledge-based expert systems and were incorporating medical field knowledge and complex clinical pathways. The accuracy of their recommendations heavily relied on how knowledge was pre-coded and whether all clinical judgment considerations were successfully incorporated. Any practice change would require the recommender system to be updated. Since health analytics is gaining momentum quickly, data scientists have been challenged with several opportunities to utilize large clinical and administrative datasets and develop data-driven recommender systems to support clinical decisions. Contrary to the older generation expert systems, these data-driven approaches are not hard coded, but instead, provide algorithm-based recommendations calculated directly from the data. Data science has gained significant momentum during the past decades, and it contributes to understanding clinical care, and public health concerns, like in the case of the recent Covid-19 pandemic.

In this era, it is widely accepted that data-driven methods can improve the delivery of care in a hospital setting. These data-driven methods are usually incorporated into end-user front ends which are referred to as Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) and are widely recognized as an effective tool to improve patient safety (Jao et al., 2010) and reduce medical and medication error rates (Smith et al., 2006). To warrant the success of CDSS, their development needs to involve a multidisciplinary effort. Designing contextually relevant CDSS requires a continued partnership with domain experts since they are the ones who have a practical understanding of what attributes are used together, and how those parameters need to be modeled successfully, on a high level first, before the technical implementation. One reason for this, is, that any algorithms that are specifically developed for CDSS require, not just clinical knowledge integration, but also decision science to generate decisions that are in line with the clinical workflows, hospital practice, and the ways that clinical information is used, recycled, reevaluated, and reconfirmed, during the various stages of clinical decision making (Ruland et al., 2002). During the conceptual design of CDSS, it needs to be communicated that these systems are meant to provide clinicians with information that is intelligently filtered and presented at appropriate times, in line with, and always tailored around the different phases of care (, 2013). In other words, CDSS provides information that reflects not only decision-making, in general, but also the intellectual effort of physicians, themselves. CDSS cannot, therefore, be successful if they are designed with a ‘data staticity’ mindset. Instead, CDSS should provide dynamic recommendations, with fluidity, providing interactions with clinicians which are in line with each phase of decision-making and considering the longitudinal nature of health and disease.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Training and Testing Dataset: A training dataset is the subset of data that is utilized to build up a model, while a testing (or validation) set is a subset of the data which is used to validate the model, once it is built. Data points in the training set are excluded from the test set.

Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS): Software which provides clinicians with knowledge and patient-specific information, intelligently filtered, or presented at appropriate times, to enhance decision-making in the clinical workflow.

Clinician Uncertainty: A situation where a clinical decision maker is not certain about a clinical decision they need to make, due to insufficient clinical information, lack of clinical knowledge, or even due to an inherent probabilistic nature of health and disease.

Health Analytics: The process of analyzing current and historical health related data to predict trends, improve outreach, or manage the spread of diseases. The field covers a broad range of health services.

Historical Data: Data that is collected data about past events and circumstances pertaining to a particular subject. In acute healthcare practice, these are data which were collected via the Electronic Medical Record systems during patient hospitalizations of the past.

Clinical Decision Making: The process of considering a patient with a health problem, future or present, and making a decision that maximizes what the patient values while conforming to or improving the workflow of clinicians.

Longitudinal Analysis: The process of analyzing data by examining how they change over the course of time, to detect any changes that might occur over a period.

Conceptual Design: A high level design of a process or a system that helps create a clear interface and functionality, which is easy to understand and interpret. It helps to describe how the functions of the system operate at a high level, so that the project is better understood from the offset.

Clinical Outcomes: Measurable changes in the health status that may (unwarranted) or may not (warranted) result from care. Review of clinical outcomes against established standards is the foundation for continuous quality improvement efforts.

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