Computer Vision and Its Intelligence in Industry 4.0

Computer Vision and Its Intelligence in Industry 4.0

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5271-7.ch007
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Industry 4.0 drives automation, efficiency, and data-driven decision-making. Computer vision plays a pivotal role in Industry 4.0, driving innovation, automation, and efficiency across various domains. This book chapter explores the intersection of computer vision and Industry 4.0, highlighting the intelligence and advancements brought by computer vision in modern industrial settings. The ability of computer vision and its intelligence to extract meaningful information from visual data and understand the surrounding environment is highlighted. Insights into the advanced techniques and technologies, challenges and future directions of this rapidly evolving field are provided. Challenges and limitations are addressed with a view of handling complex industrial environments and variability. Insights into future directions, potential disruptions, and transformative effects in Industry 4.0 are provided. The chapter concludes by highlighting possibilities for future research and development to further unlock the potential of computer vision in driving advancements in industrial sectors.
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Computer vision (CV) has emerged as a revolutionary field that enables machines to perceive and interpret visual information like humans. It is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Its motivations lie in extracting meaningful insights from digital images and digital videos. Computer vision algorithms utilize various techniques such as image processing, pattern recognition, and machine learning to analyze and understand visual data.

Computer vision aims to replicate the remarkable capabilities of human vision. Thereby, allowing machines to recognize objects, understand scenes, and interpret visual cues. Computer vision uses the power of advanced algorithms and processing techniques to enable groundbreaking applications. Its applications span numerous industries such as healthcare, transportation, retail, manufacturing etc.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution in the commercial market is most popularly termed as Industry 4.0. It represents the ongoing digital transformation of industries. It leverages cutting-edge technologies to revolutionize the way goods are manufactured and produced (Ghobakhloo et al., 2020). It is an integration of key technologies such as Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Robotics, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Cyber Security etc (Figure 1). Industry 4.0 aims to create a highly interconnected and intelligent industrial ecosystem.

Figure 1.

Key technologies of industry 4.0


Industry 4.0 aims to optimize productivity, increase efficiency, and enhance decision-making processes by leveraging advanced technologies (Sony et al., 2020). It encompasses the digitalization and automation of manufacturing processes. Resulting in what is often referred to as “smart factories” or “digital factories”. These factories are characterized by their seamless data exchange between machines, their real-time monitoring and control, and their utilization of intelligent systems to make autonomous decisions (Javaid et al., 2022).

The convergence of computer vision and Industry 4.0 has unlocked tremendous potential for transforming the industrial landscape. Computer vision enables machines to cognize the visual aspects of industrial processes. Manufacturers can enhance quality control, streamline production, improve safety measures, and achieve significant cost savings by integrating computer vision capabilities into Industry 4.0 frameworks (Dalenogare et al., 2018).

Computer vision systems can accurately inspect and analyze products, identifying anomalies with a level of precision and speed that exceeds human capabilities. This capability reduces the risk of faulty products reaching the market thereby improving customer satisfaction. Also, minimizing the costs associated with product recalls. Further, computer vision can facilitate real-time object recognition and tracking. Thereby, enabling seamless automation and optimization of manufacturing operations (Ramya et al., 2023).

In addition to enhancing traditional manufacturing processes, computer vision in Industry 4.0 opens doors to new possibilities. Computer vision-enabled Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) apps can revolutionise training procedures by enabling employees to get practical experience in virtual environments. Robotics and automation, powered by computer vision algorithms, can automate repetitive and hazardous tasks, improving workplace safety and efficiency.

Moreover, computer vision can be integrated with IoT devices and sensors to create an interconnected ecosystem. A system where visual data can be seamlessly collected, analyzed, and acted upon. This integration enables real-time decision-making, predictive maintenance, and optimized supply chain management.

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