Computational Intelligence and Blockchain-Based Security for Wireless Sensor Networks

Computational Intelligence and Blockchain-Based Security for Wireless Sensor Networks

Renu Mishra, Inderpreet Kaur, Vishnu Sharma, Ajeet Bharti
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5250-9.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
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A wireless sensor network (WSN) provides the base architecture to all popular technologies like internet of things (IoT), unmanned arial vehicle (UAV), etc. Recently, a push came to make the information available to humans from the real-time environmental data collected through small sensing devices. WSN is self-organized wireless ad hoc networks to facilitate the interaction between the human and physical worlds. Rapid growth in sensing devices connected to the internet with intelligence and capabilities also opens the door because more devices connected devices means more chances of security vulnerabilities. Blockchain (BC) technology is introduced to address authentication and other security-related challanges by eliminating the role of central authority. This chapter starts with unique characteristics and security challenges in WSN and further identified different ways to apply blockchain with its potential benefits. The chapter presented the integration of blockchain in CI-enabled WSN with respect to focused sectors.
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Fundamentals Of Ci And Blockchain Technology

To welcome the advent of new networking paradigms, we must have some basic idea ofif various intelligent techniques and fundamentals of blockchain technology to support the smart and secure functioning of the network.

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