Computational Biology Meets Swarm Intelligence: Implications for Supply Chain Management

Computational Biology Meets Swarm Intelligence: Implications for Supply Chain Management

K. G. Nandha Kumar, A. Somaiah, Sorabh Lakhanpal, R. P. Ambilwade, Pyingkodi Maran, P. C. D. Kalaivaani
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3593-2.ch010
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The convergence of computational biology and swarm intelligence presents transformative possibilities for supply chain management. This chapter offers an overview of the intersection of these fields and their implications for enhancing supply chain operations. Computational biology, a multidisciplinary domain, employs computational tools and techniques for analyzing biological data and addressing complex challenges. Its applications extend beyond biology and hold relevance for supply chain management.
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I. Introduction

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the management of supply chains is more critical than ever. Supply chain professionals face multifaceted challenges, including demand uncertainty, complex logistics networks, and increasing pressure to reduce costs and environmental impact. To address these challenges and achieve optimal supply chain performance, innovative approaches and cutting-edge technologies have become essential. One such approach involves the intersection of Computational Biology and Swarm Intelligence (Pandey, D., & Pandey, B. K., 2022), two fields traditionally rooted in biology and computer science but increasingly finding application in diverse domains. The fusion of these disciplines offers promising opportunities for revolutionizing supply chain management. In this context, this paper explores the implications of Computational Biology and Swarm Intelligence for the field of supply chain management (Hussein and Zayed et al. 2021). Computational Biology, with its advanced data analysis (Kumar Pandey, B. et al., 2021) techniques and modeling capabilities, provides powerful tools to understand the complexities of biological systems. By borrowing concepts from biology and applying them to supply chain management, we gain the ability to better comprehend the intricacies of the modern supply chain, which often behaves like a dynamic, living organism. At the same time, Swarm Intelligence (Anand, R. et al., 2023), inspired by the collective behavior of social insects, offers unique insights into how decentralized, self-organizing systems can be harnessed for solving complex optimization problemscapabilities with direct relevance to supply chain logistics.This paper delves into the potential implications of integrating these two fields into supply chain management. We will explore how this interdisciplinary approach can lead to improved forecasting and demand planning, optimized transportation and logistics, enhanced supply chain resilience, and a reduction in operational costs and environmental impact. It is in this synthesis of science and technology that we find innovative solutions to modern supply chain challenges. The digital transformation of supply chains accelerates, the ethical and practical considerations of data usage, privacy (Pandey, B. K. et al., 2023), and security have come to the forefront. This paper will also touch on these challenges and limitations, recognizing that any transformative approach must address these issues for successful implementation.

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