Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a Preventive Strategy Against Gender-Based Violence in the Digital Sphere: A Training Proposal

Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a Preventive Strategy Against Gender-Based Violence in the Digital Sphere: A Training Proposal

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2053-2.ch012
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Comprehensive sexuality education is presented as a fundamental preventive strategy against gender violence in the digital sphere. In this context, a training program is proposed that specifically addresses this problem. The proposal seeks to equip individuals with solid knowledge about sexuality, consent, and healthy relationships online, with the aim of counteracting gender violence that manifests itself in cyberspace. By integrating a gender perspective into sexuality education, the authors aim to empower people to recognize and combat forms of digital violence, thus promoting safer and more respectful online environments. This holistic approach seeks to prevent the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes and behaviors, promoting a digital culture that supports gender equality and mutual respect.
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The intersection between comprehensive sexuality education and the prevention of gender-based violence in the digital sphere is an essential field in the contemporary panorama. The omnipresence of information and communication technologies has brought innumerable benefits, but it has also triggered an alarming increase in situations of cyber gender-based violence, which disproportionately affects women and people of different genders (Yañez et al., 2023). In the face of this challenge, comprehensive sexuality education is revealed as a fundamental preventive strategy, capable of providing people with critical tools and knowledge necessary to function safely and respectfully in the digital environment. Comprehensive sexuality education addresses not only the biological and reproductive aspects, but also the emotional, social, and ethical dimensions of human sexuality (Dey, 2020). Incorporating this perspective in the prevention of gender-based cyber violence involves recognizing the importance of autonomy, consent, effective communication, and mutual respect in the digital realm (Adams et al., 2021).

Comprehensive sexuality education thus becomes a key instrument for empowering individuals, providing them with the necessary skills to discern inappropriate behaviors, identify warning signs and respond proactively to risky situations. In the specific context of the digital sphere, comprehensive sexuality education can address issues such as online safety, respect for privacy, digital identity management, and critical awareness of gender representation in digital media (Henry & Powell, 2018). Encouraging reflection on these issues contributes to building responsible and ethical digital citizens capable of forging healthy online relationships and combating the spread of cyber gender-based violence (Gilliam et al., 2016). In addition, comprehensive sexuality education provides a space to challenge entrenched gender stereotypes, promoting equality and diversity in all aspects of life, including the digital realm (Azhar, 2023). By strengthening the foundations of comprehensive sexuality education, the groundwork is laid for a more equitable and just digital society, where cyber gender-based violence is proactively addressed and online communities are built based on respect, empathy, and inclusion (D'Ambrosi et al., 2018). Ultimately, integrating comprehensive sexuality education into the digital realm not only helps prevent online gender-based violence, but also helps cultivate a digital culture in which everyone can participate in a safe and enriching way (Faith, 2022).

Cyber gender-based violence is a complex issue that impacts individuals of all ages, genders and sexual orientations, representing a significant threat in the digital realm. International organizations have provided alarming data highlighting the magnitude and seriousness of this phenomenon. In 2020, a survey conducted by the World Wide Web Foundation revealed that 50% of young women had experienced gender-based cyberbullying. This type of online violence can manifest itself in various forms, including the dissemination of intimate images without consent, the spreading of offensive comments and virtual bullying. Similarly, the European Institute for Gender Equality, in its 2018 report, provides additional information, highlighting that 51% of young women express reluctance to participate in online discussions due to previous experiences of virtual harassment. This reluctance not only limits participation on digital platforms, but also has negative implications on the personal and professional development of the women affected. Also, a study conducted by Amnesty International in 2017 delves into the diversity of forms that cyber gender-based violence can take. According to this report, 23% of women have experienced some form of online abuse, ranging from sexist insults to threats of gender-based violence. This abuse not only affects the mental and emotional health of victims, but also creates a hostile digital environment that undermines gender equality and freedom of expression.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Revenge Porn: Refers to the practice of sharing, disseminating, or distributing sexually explicit images or videos of a person, usually after a romantic or sexual relationship, without the consent of the person involved. In this context, the disclosure of such intimate material is intended to cause harm, embarrassment, or emotional suffering to the victim, and is often done as a form of revenge on the part of the person sharing the content.

Sextortion: A form of sexual exploitation that involves the coercive use of intimate material, such as sexually explicit images or videos, to extort money from the victim. In this context, the person threatens to reveal, or share said content in a non-consensual manner unless the victim complies with their demands. These demands may include sending more intimate material, performing certain actions, or even providing money. Sextortion typically occurs in online environments, where offenders can gain access to sensitive material and then manipulate the victim with the threat of public dissemination.

Online Grooming: An adult establishes a relationship with a minor online with the aim of gaining their trust and then exploiting them sexually.

Sexual Identity Impersonation: The action of creating false online profiles for the purpose of deceiving other people about the user's sexual identity. In this context, sexual impersonation involves the creation of a fictitious digital presence that may include the use of photographs, personal information, and details about sexual preferences or experiences, all with the intention of deceiving or manipulating others.

Image Cyberbullying: Refers to a form of online harassment in which intimate or personal images of a person are shared without their consent. This act may include the unauthorized distribution of photographs or videos of explicit sexual content, as well as the dissemination of compromising or private images with the intention of causing harm, humiliation, or embarrassment to the victim.

Non-Consensual Sexting: Refers to the practice of sharing messages, photographs, or videos of a sexually explicit nature of a person without their consent. In the context of sexting, which involves sending sexually suggestive content via text messages, messaging apps or social media, non-consensual sexting occurs when one party shares that intimate material without the agreement or knowledge of the other. person involved.

Sexual Cyberbullying: The practice of using digital platforms, such as social networks, instant messages, emails, or other online media, to carry out acts of harassment with sexual connotations towards a person. This behavior may include sending unsolicited messages, images, or videos of sexually explicit content, as well as the non-consensual dissemination of personal or intimate information. Sexual cyberbullying seeks to intimidate, embarrass, or cause emotional distress to the victim, and can manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as non-consensual sexting, online grooming, sextortion, image harassment and other forms of sexually motivated digital violence.

Online Harassment: Refers to a pattern of hostile, threatening or intimidating behavior that takes place through digital platforms and social networks. This type of harassment involves the use of technology and online communication to harass, humiliate, defame, or cause emotional distress to a person. Online harassment can take many forms, including name-calling, threats, defamation, impersonation, unauthorized disclosure of personal information, and other malicious behavior.

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