Comprehensive Analysis of Attacks and Defenses in IoT Sensory Big Data Analysis

Comprehensive Analysis of Attacks and Defenses in IoT Sensory Big Data Analysis

Mohammad Ishrat, Wasim Khan, Faheem Ahmad, Monia Mohammed Al Farsi, Shafiqul Abidin
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0968-1.ch002
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This chapter takes a deep dive into the security issues surrounding IoT sensory big data analysis, which is becoming increasingly important in today's world of ubiquitous connectivity and big data analysis. Starting with an introduction to this crucial juncture, the chapter proceeds to guide the reader through the complex terrain of IoT systems, with a focus on the far-reaching consequences of security precautions. From simple denial of service (DoS) attacks to complex man-in-the-middle (MitM) incursions, data manipulation, injection exploits, and unauthorised access are all under the microscope. Readers will obtain a sophisticated understanding of the many methods used by bad actors to exploit vulnerabilities in IoT systems as they are systematically explored. In addition, the chapter details a wide variety of defence measures, providing a versatile toolkit for shoring up IoT ecosystems. Intrusion detection systems (IDS), secure communication protocols, secure boot procedures, and strong data encryption are all part of these multi-layered plans of action.
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1. Introduction

Processing and analysing massive amounts of data produced by IoT-connected sensors is known as IoT Sensory Big Data Analysis. Sensor data generated by IoT devices, which might range from sensors in industrial machinery to smart home appliances, will be analysed to draw useful insights, patterns, and trends. Data gathering, filtration, and sophisticated analytics are all part of the process (Ambika 2020). This data is crucial for process improvement, better decision making, and the introduction of automation across many fields and uses. Maintaining trust and protecting against potential cyber threats necessitates keeping sensory data secure and private, which highlights the importance of security in IoT devices (Tariq, Khan, and Asim 2021).

Numerous crucial aspects make it impossible to overestimate the significance of security in IoT systems. For starters, due to their ubiquitous connection, these devices are always connected to networks, leaving them vulnerable to cyberattacks (Haddaji, Ayed, and Fourati 2022). They must be protected from hacking and other forms of data breach immediately. Personal information, medical records, and even industrial procedures are just some of the sensitive types of data that many IoT devices deal with. It is critical to maintain the confidentiality and avoid the abuse of such sensitive data. In addition, IoT devices manage and keep tabs on everything from factory equipment to national security networks. Security flaws can result in real and potentially harmful repercussions.

Managing security gets more difficult with the proliferation of IoT devices, as each one is a potential vector for cyberattacks. The limited processing power and memory of many of these devices also makes them more vulnerable to assaults (Tufail et al. 2021). With extended periods of use, security flaws that are discovered later may remain unpatched for a long time if not addressed. In addition, IoT gadgets don't function alone; rather, they're interconnected nodes that exchange data with one another and external resources like the cloud. If one device is compromised, the entire system is at risk. In several fields, there are specialised laws and guidelines that must be followed to ensure the privacy and safety of customer information. A company's legal standing and reputation may be jeopardised if it failed to adhere to these criteria.

In addition, trust must be preserved if the Internet of Things is to see widespread adoption. Both consumers and organisations require reassurance that their data is safe on their respective devices. This includes potentially vulnerable IoT devices that are open to the public. Both online and offline dangers must be countered by security measures. Unauthorised entry, which can lead to misuse of resources, tampering with data, or even physical harm, can be avoided with the use of strong authentication and access restrictions. Finally, resilience in design is essential for Internet of Things systems to survive the ever-changing character of cyber-attacks. This includes being able to spot threats, counter them, and bounce back swiftly. The sustained confidence and adoption of IoT technology across a wide range of businesses and use cases depends on a high level of security in IoT systems, which is why protecting personal data is so important.

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