Comparative Critical Analysis of Artificial Intelligent Technique and Conventional Control Technique Applied in Series Filter for Harmonic Reduction

Comparative Critical Analysis of Artificial Intelligent Technique and Conventional Control Technique Applied in Series Filter for Harmonic Reduction

Niraj Kumar, Vishnu Mohan Mishra
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2718-4.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Series active filters, besides the dc voltage regulators, incorporate controller such as voltage controller and hysteresis band controllers, etc.. The conventional PI controller suffers from the significant drawback of having a high content of ripples and the low speed due to variable switching frequency caused by the usage of hysteresis controllers. In order to overcome this shortcoming, two different control strategies (i.e., sinusoidal fryze voltage control and adaptive tabu search-sinusoidal fryze voltage control strategy) have been developed in this research work. The performance of SAFs has been analyzed by using these current control strategies. The proposed ATS-SFV control strategy based voltage controller yielded better performance as compared to those obtainable from the SFV control strategy. The comparisons of the proposed strategies among themselves facilitate a need-based selection of them for the supply system. To realize these control strategies, MATLAB/Simulink-based models have been developed for simulation.
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The recent advances in several key areas of power electronics technology are such as power semiconductor devices, power converter circuits, and control of power electronics. The structure and characteristics of IGBT, SIT, SITH, and MCT devices provide a better understanding before switching over to the active power filtering scheme. The control technique of the power converter is one of the prominent parts of the converter operation (D.Puangdownreong, 2002) (Abraham D. le Roux, 2003).

As the evolution of the high power self commutated switches (GTO 4500V, 3000A, 1KHz; BJT 1200V, 800A, 10KHz; IGBT 1200V, 400A, 20KHz (Khalid, Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing in Engineering, 2017). the interest has increased in the study of active power line conditioners for reactive power and harmonic compensation.

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