Comparative Analysis of Proposed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Algorithm With Other Techniques

Comparative Analysis of Proposed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Algorithm With Other Techniques

Deepak Chatha, Alankrita Aggarwal, Rajender Kumar
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 6
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-2408-7.ch058
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The mortality rate among women is increasing progressively due to cancer. Generally, women around 45 years old are vulnerable from this disease. Early detection is hope for patients to survive otherwise it may reach to unrecoverable stage. Currently, there are numerous techniques available for diagnosis of such a disease out of which mammography is the most trustworthy method for detecting early cancer stage. The analysis of these mammogram images are difficult to analyze due to low contrast and nonuniform background. The mammogram images are scanned and digitized for processing that further reduces the contrast between Region of Interest and background. Presence of noise, glands and muscles leads to background contrast variations. Boundaries of suspected tumor area are fuzzy & improper. Aim of paper is to develop robust edge detection technique which works optimally on mammogram images to segment tumor area. Output results of proposed technique on different mammogram images of MIAS database are presented and compared with existing techniques in terms of both Qualitative & Quantitative parameters.
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Evaluate The Performance Of Ann With Existing Techniques

Quantitative Comparison

The Qualitative comparison is basically done by visual inspection. The few parameters which are kept in mind while declaring best technique among different edge detector are: True Edges, Thin Boundaries, Lost detail, Noise and Broken Edges.


Test Image 1

The Qualitative comparison of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique with other existing techniques for test image 1 is shown in Figure 1. It is clear by visual inspection that Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm gives best results among all other competing detectors as it is manifesting maximum accurate tumor details with minimum structural loss. Also, it is observed that there is high continuity among all edge pixels along with almost true and thin edges.

Figure 1.

Edge detection of test image1: (a) Original; (b) Sobel; (c) Robert; (d) Prewitt; (e) Canny; (f) Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

Table 1.
Quantitative analysis of test image 1

The Quantitative results are color coded to differentiate top three performing technique among others as shown in Table 2.

Table 2.
Quantitative results

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