Community of Practice Critical Mentoring Model (CoPCM2) for Doctoral Education: Attending to the Needs of Mentors and Mentees

Community of Practice Critical Mentoring Model (CoPCM2) for Doctoral Education: Attending to the Needs of Mentors and Mentees

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6049-8.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Graduate student mentoring programs have historically neglected the holistic needs of advanced graduate students within institutions that persist in operating from predominantly white, male, cis-gendered, neo-liberal, and colonialist perspectives. Attempts to socialize students into the academy and into professional practice are in need of a refreshed set of best practices where a community of practice (CoP) mentoring model can simultaneously build and support a network of faculty prepared to enact critical mentoring practices among themselves and effectively engage graduate students in meaningful and productive ways.
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Context Of The Problem

Graduate student mentoring programs have historically neglected the holistic needs of advanced graduate students within institutions that persist in operating from a predominantly white, male, cis-gendered, neo-liberal, and colonialist perspectives. Attempts to socialize students into the academy and into professional practice are in need of a refreshed set of best practices where a Community of Practice (CoP) (Wenger, 2010;Smith, Hayes, & Shea, 2017;Shacham, & Od-Cohen, 2009; Cronshaw, Stokes, & McCulloch, 2022) mentoring model can simultaneously build and support a network of faculty prepared to enact critical mentoring practices among themselves and effectively engage graduate students in meaningful and productive ways. Our application of a Community of Practice Model moves away from conceptualizing mentoring as only a one-on-one experience only and moves toward ways to nurture networks of people engaged in mentoring acts.

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