Communication Disorders That Tablet Usage Causes in Children in the Age Group 9 to 12 Years: An Examination in the Families With Children Using Tablets

Communication Disorders That Tablet Usage Causes in Children in the Age Group 9 to 12 Years: An Examination in the Families With Children Using Tablets

Şebnem Gürsoy Ulusoy
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5733-3.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Digital world and digitalization are seen as a recently growing phenomenon. In line with digitalization, people are more exposed to digital zones. The usage rates of digital media products of especially children are observed to increase every year and to go down to earlier age groups. The age group 9 to 12 years is regarded as the period in which tablet usage increases and children encounter many different games and applications. In the children of abovementioned age group, communication disorders with their peers and environment may arise due to overuse of tablets. It is observed that an increase of tablet usage and increase of communication disorders are directly proportional.
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The study aims to determine the tablet usage rates of the sample consisting of children of the parents who live and work in Istanbul, Turkey which is included due to being a metropolis. The study also aims to determine communication disorders from negative behaviors that develop in children due to tablet usage. Within the scope of the study, surveys were conducted and focus group application was performed with the families that live in Istanbul, Turkey. The families with which surveys had been conducted were aggregated afterwards and the study was supported by another deep research. Random families were chosen from three big regions of Istanbul as the sample. Totally, 10 families were reached. The common features of the families are the facts that they have children in the age group 9 to 12 years and both parents work. The families belong to middle and high-income group. Firstly, survey method was utilized as a research method in order to determine the demographic characteristics of the families and to reach the digital data source. Within the scope of the survey application, questions were asked by using Likert Scale that aim to determine whether there is a connection between digitalization of the families and their communication disorders and to determine how much time they allocate to their children. Later on, a focus group study was performed in order to determine the reliability of the questions in the survey and the strength of the answers, two groups were formed including five families each, and a platform was created by asking the families questions that correspond to the survey questions. The types of answers that the families would give while they were in interaction with each other were tried to be determined. After the research part was completed, the survey application and focus group results were compared and the result was achieved. Finally, opinions and suggestions were included.

Limitations of the Research

10 families were reached as part of the research. The study is limited with Istanbul. The determinations are based only on the answers of the families. Their communication with their children and the circumstance of the home environment could not be observed with participant observation. Such an in-depth observation can deepen the study. Participant observation could not be implemented due to time limitation.



If no response is allocated to a child’s heart or memory, that child cannot develop. The child who does not have this sense of responsibility starts to add new areas of responsibility to his/her life. The most frequently seen type of this case is the one in which the child makes room for himself/herself in the virtual world where he/she can comfortably express himself/herself. The child is an existence that creates his/her own feelings and thoughts. As the family forces the child not to do what the family does not want the child to do, the child will continue to do that more. These moves are more actively seen in especially 9 to 12 years period when the child tries to form his/her personality and self as an independent individual.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Digital Media Products: Media products that are being used as a result of digitization.

Tablet: Easy-to-carry computer with touchscreen.

New Media: Media covering all of the new media products shaped by new technologies.

Globalization: Globalization is an increasing trend that encompasses the world at an increasingly rapid pace. Globalization is characterized by many economic, financial, political, national security, environmental, social, cultural, and national interstate technological links.

Media: All kinds of communication media, digital and printed.

Digitalization: Transfer of printed products to digital media.

Communication Disorders: Limitations on communication.

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