Cohort-Based Leadership Development for High Potential (HiPO) Employees Through Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Cohort-Based Leadership Development for High Potential (HiPO) Employees Through Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8488-3.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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In organizations, leadership development is considered one of the critical success measures for the growth of high potential employees. This case study examines the neuro linguistic programming (NLP) tools and techniques used by IT organization, behavioural challenges, and outcome in leadership development for the high potential (HiPO) employees. The aim of this study is to illustrate characteristics of HiPO employees, importance of neuro linguistic programming for the leadership roles, and integration of NLP for talent management and leadership development in an IT organization. In this case, learners will identify the tools of NLP and understand their integration into leadership development programs for the HiPO employees.
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The Global Information Technology Market is growing in double digits, especially in emerging technologies. Growth in the software, hardware, and services market is driven by the growth in mobile and cloud markets. These cloud and mobile technologies have given impetus to the software development market. Software continues to hold the highest percentage in IT spending along with digital transformation technologies. Over the next few years, the surge in IT products and services will be there due to expanded innovations in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled products. These technologies will not only lead to cost savings for organizations but also to gain competitive benefits.

As per the IBEF report (2022) on IT and BPM, in India the Information Technology industry contributed for 7.4% of India’s GDP’, as of Financial Year 2022 and it is expected to account 10% to India’s Gross Domestic Product by 2025. The IT industry employs 5 million people. As per the estimates of National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), the Indian IT industry’s revenue touched US$ 227 billion in FY22, a 15.5%YoY growth. The Indian IT Exports stood at US$254.4 billion in FY22.The Business Process Management(BPM) sector currently employs more than 1.4 million people, while IT and BPM together have more than 4.5 million workforce as of FY21.The software and hardware sector in India has attracted cumulative foreign direct investment(FDI) inflows worth US$85.51 billion from April 2000 till March 2022.Also the sector ranked 2nd in Foreign Direct Investment inflows as per the data released by Department for the Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).

Complex Environment

The disruptive technologies and subsequent adoption of new transformational strategies, processes and value chain has reshaped the nature of work around the globe. These have also brought in the new challenges for the leaders as well as employees. Thus, increasing concern for organizational and employee wellbeing. The torpedoing of the jobs, and disruption creating business models are the dynamic phenomena (Bruckner et al., 2017). Some of the challenges of this sector include- traditional approach to work design and digital transformation work in the services firms; cutting edge competition from the bigger fishes in the market; New-age IT firms who adopt work based on latest technologies; changing concept of workspaces towards remote locations (Sull et al., 2020) and work from home(WFH); the independent work mindset (Aggarwal et al., 2020), and outsourced HR function; Talent acquisition, management and engagement (Pillai & Paul, 2023).

Organizational Challenge

Peter Anderson as a CEO is running a well-established IT firm Ambit Technologies, with operations in India and serving for the development of software applications and services across the globe. He has a flamboyant team in leadership looking after business clients, and a Team of Product Managers and Software Engineers building the organization at different locations including US, Canada and UK. Team includes 5 leaders looking after sales, 10 Product Managers and 30 Software Engineers with varied experience. Recently, Peter had a discussion with the Leaders and Product Managers face to face in which he has identified the following challenges:

  • − Though profitability increased, leaders have lost the zeal to innovate and play their best in the field as an organizational team due to the dynamic and complex environment.

  • − There are a lot of conflicts due to gaps in the communication amongst the Leaders and the Product Managers. Some team members shared a great bond whereas others were aloof.

  • − Though Product Managers were well acquainted with the technical skills, there was an urgent need to train them in soft skills.

Being concerned, Peter consulted one of his industry colleagues Joseph N, who is a Certified Global Organization Change Consultant with an experience of over 15 years in the Leadership Development and Team Management. His area of expertise included behavioural modification amongst Business Leaders in the organizations through Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). He has conducted 28 Leadership Development Programs with the corporate leaders in various FMCGs and global IT firms ranging from one week to two months. Looking at the growth prospects and opportunities in the sector, Peter deployed Joseph N as a consultant to conduct a leadership program for the candidates for leadership profiles -10 Product Managers and 5 existing business leaders.

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