Coaching Applications and Effectiveness in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Coaching Applications and Effectiveness in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

M. Mahruf C. Shohel, Md. Ashrafuzzaman, Arif Mahmud, Md Tariqul Islam, Atm Shafiul Alam
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4246-0.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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Coaching creates opportunities to communicate better and enhance trust among the service users, employees, and employers regardless of their differences. Therefore, higher education institutions are increasingly recognizing the value of coaching for personal, professional, and organizational development. In coaching, contextual understanding is essential to achieve expected growth and outcomes. This chapter explores the applications and effectiveness of coaching interventions in teaching and learning in higher education. Based on literature and personal reflection, this chapter highlights different strategies and good practices and how coaching helps students succeed in their academic journeys and academics to become reflective practitioners. This process of coaching in higher education could also include people from academic, administrative, and professional service backgrounds. This chapter also presents the factors that hinder or support coaching programs and draws a set of recommendations to strengthen coaching initiatives in the higher education context.
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Methodological Perspective And Approach

This chapter is based on a literature review and personal reflections of academics. It considers coaching applications in relation to their effectiveness in teaching and learning in higher education as a social phenomenon. For this reason, after exploring literature, it articulates the stories of four academics related to their experiences of coaching in higher education. In these contexts, it is assumed that coaching is influenced by social process and cultural context (Garvey et al., 2017; Jones et al., 2002). Though several stories are narrated from different contexts, this chapter acknowledges that the coaching practices may vary from department to department or school to school in a specific university. The intention of the articulation and reflection on the coaching experiences is to find out the components of the coaching process in different academic, social and cultural contexts (e.g. UK and Bangladesh). Moreover, these interpretations are based on personal experiences and institutional practices in different contexts. Thus, these interpretations created an opportunity to understand coaching practices in higher education from different individual perspectives and illustrate their decisions for further steps for enhancing the quality of teaching and learning in this sector. Personal reflections of academics presented in this chapter were anonymized to mitigate ethical concerns.

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