Cloud-Enhanced Robotics in Healthcare

Cloud-Enhanced Robotics in Healthcare

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1914-7.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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Cloud-enhanced robotics is reforming the healthcare sector through adventures. Cloud-enhanced healthcare robots aimed to provide potential support to medical professionals by accurately providing services like nursing, diagnosing, and executing critical surgeries. In the domain of healthcare, cloud robotics technology facilitates real-time data exchange, enabling professionals to deliver optimal services and care. Tasks ranging from laboratory testing to medication distribution can now be automated, and cloud-enhanced robotics have reached a level of proficiency that significantly lowers the risk of human faults in critical surgeries. This chapter explores the architecture and components of cloud-enhanced healthcare robots, provides various applications in the field, assesses the advantages and disadvantages of healthcare robots, and scrutinizes the security implications associated with cloud-enhanced robots.
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In recent decades, significant technological advancements have enabled non-human entities and machines to undertake various tasks. This capability holds the potential to alleviate healthcare provider costs and burdens while enhancing the health and well-being of numerous individuals. Additionally, access to unlimited healthcare services and support systems may not always be readily available. Addressing these issues, ongoing discussions are centered on the potential utilization of diverse information and communication cloud technologies, along with robots. These technological aids aim to empower patients, facilitating them in adopting and maintaining healthier lifestyles. The objective is to equip the health sector with tools that contribute to the public, thereby mitigating the burden on healthcare services.

The convergence of cloud computing and robotics has sparked a revolution in healthcare, paving the way for advanced medical interventions, enhanced patient care, and improved operational efficiency. Cloud-enhanced robotics in healthcare represents a synergy between cloud-based computing resources and robotic systems, leveraging the strengths of both to overcome traditional limitations in medical practice. At its core, cloud-enhanced robotics in healthcare harnesses the power of interconnected data processing and storage capabilities offered by cloud platforms, coupled with the precision and versatility of robotic technologies. This amalgamation enables healthcare providers to access vast computational resources, real-time data analysis, and remote collaboration tools, all integrated seamlessly with robotic devices deployed in various medical settings. One of the key advantages of cloud-enhanced robotics is its ability to facilitate remote operation and monitoring of robotic systems. Through cloud connectivity, healthcare professionals can remotely control robotic devices, perform intricate procedures, and monitor patient conditions from virtually any location with internet access. This capability is particularly valuable in scenarios where specialists may not be physically present or where immediate intervention is required in critical situations.

Furthermore, cloud-enhanced robotics in healthcare enables the aggregation and analysis of large volumes of medical data in real time. By leveraging cloud-based analytics tools, robotic systems can process complex datasets derived from patient records, medical imaging, and sensor data to inform decision-making processes. This data-driven approach enhances diagnostic accuracy, treatment planning, and personalized care delivery, ultimately improving patient outcomes. Another significant aspect of cloud-enhanced robotics in healthcare is its potential to facilitate collaborative healthcare practices. Through cloud-based platforms, medical professionals can share expertise, consult on cases, and collaborate on surgical procedures in real time, irrespective of geographical barriers. This collaborative framework fosters interdisciplinary teamwork, knowledge exchange, and continuous learning within the healthcare ecosystem. Moreover, cloud-enhanced robotics holds promise for augmenting healthcare delivery in resource-constrained environments. By centralizing computational resources and expertise in the cloud, healthcare facilities with limited infrastructure can access state-of-the-art robotic technologies and specialized medical services on demand, thereby expanding access to quality care for underserved populations.

Despite its transformative potential, the widespread adoption of cloud-enhanced robotics in healthcare presents various challenges, including concerns related to data security, privacy, regulatory compliance, and interoperability. Addressing these challenges will require close collaboration between technology developers, healthcare providers, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders to establish robust standards and frameworks for safe and ethical implementation. Overall, we can say that cloud-enhanced robotics represents a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery, empowering clinicians with advanced tools and capabilities to enhance patient care, optimize clinical workflows, and drive innovation in medical practice. As the field continues to evolve, the integration of cloud computing and robotics holds the promise of revolutionizing healthcare delivery and improving health outcomes on a global scale.

Here, the chapter is organized into different sections background gives a review of the health care robots using the cloud, cloud computing and robotics, architecture of cloud-enhanced robots, introducing SLAM in cloud robots, advantages and applications of cloud-enhanced robots, security issues of cloud robotics and conclusion and future scope.

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