Cloud-Enabled Fire Safety in Industry 5.0 Smart Factories: Leveraging IoT and Sensor Networks for Real-Time Monitoring and Proactive Prevention

Cloud-Enabled Fire Safety in Industry 5.0 Smart Factories: Leveraging IoT and Sensor Networks for Real-Time Monitoring and Proactive Prevention

C. V. Suresh Babu, A. Auroshaa, M. Sowmi Saltonya, A. S. Sathyanarayanan
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0920-9.ch009
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This chapter explores the critical intersection of Industry 5.0 and fire safety in smart factories. It introduces the concept of cloud-enabled fire monitoring, emphasizing its significance in mitigating fire risks. The analysis delves into fire incident understanding, limitations of conventional systems, and the necessity for real-time monitoring. The cloud-enabled fire monitoring system is detailed, highlighting its scalability and advanced analytics integration for proactive prevention. Real-time fire monitoring and early warning mechanisms are discussed alongside intelligent data analysis and proactive measures. Case studies and future prospects are presented, concluding with the importance of this technology in Industry 5.0 and the broader implications of emerging technologies in smart factories.
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1. Introduction

1.1 Background on Industry 5.0 and its Impact on Smart Factories

Industry 5.0 represents the next evolutionary step in production and manufacturing. It's characterized by the seamless integration of advanced technology with human expertise. Unlike its predecessor, Industry 4.0, which focused on digitization and automation, Industry 5.0 emphasizes collaboration between intelligent machines and human workers, fostering a more adaptable and holistic production environment. In the realm of Industry 5.0, smart factories are poised to become innovation centers, combining the precision of automation with the creativity, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability of human employees. This convergence is expected to enhance product quality, customization options, and production efficiency, fundamentally reshaping the manufacturing landscape. As Industry 5.0 gains momentum, smart factories will thrive as agile, interconnected hubs of manufacturing excellence (Park & Han, 2023).

1.2 The Growing Significance of Fire Safety in Industry 5.0

In Industry 5.0, characterized by the intricate integration of cutting-edge technologies and human interaction, fire safety has assumed paramount importance. The increased complexity and interconnectivity of manufacturing processes in this era heighten the risks of fire incidents, underscoring the need for robust prevention and swift response strategies.

With the prevalence of automation, robotics, and AI-driven systems, identifying potential ignition sources, mitigating overheating equipment hazards, and ensuring the secure operation of interconnected machinery pose unique challenges. Moreover, the presence of human workers closely collaborating with these technologies necessitates a comprehensive approach that not only shields them from fire-related risks but also equips them with the knowledge and training to respond effectively in emergencies.

The emphasis on human-machine interaction in Industry 5.0 highlights the imperative for fire safety standards that account for both technological vulnerabilities and behavioral factors (Al-Fuqaha et al., 2015). To sustain the transformative potential of Industry 5.0 while safeguarding the well-being of personnel and the integrity of smart factories, a proactive and adaptable approach to fire safety is essential.

1.3 Purpose of the Chapter: Introducing Cloud-Enabled Fire Monitoring

The aim of this chapter is to introduce the concept of cloud-enabled fire monitoring, an innovative approach to enhancing fire safety. This strategy harnesses the power of cloud computing to extend the reach, effectiveness, and efficiency of fire monitoring and prevention systems. As industries embrace Industry 5.0 and advanced technologies in smart factories, the demand for more sophisticated and interconnected fire safety systems continues to grow.

This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of how Cloud-Enabled Fire Monitoring transforms fire safety practices by leveraging cloud platforms, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, data analytics, and real-time communication (Suri et al., 2021). Its primary goal is to offer readers a clear understanding of how cloud-enabled solutions can significantly enhance early fire detection, response times, data-driven insights, and overall safety measures within the context of Industry 5.0.

Through this exploration, readers will gain insights into the potential evolution of traditional fire safety systems into highly interconnected, adaptable, and scalable solutions that meet the evolving needs of modern manufacturing environments.


2. Fire Incidents In Smart Factories

2.1 Understanding the Risks and Consequences of Fire Incidents

In contemporary industrial settings, a significant concern revolves around fire incidents occurring in smart factories. The integration of smart systems brings forth new dynamics and potential hazards as technology advances and automation becomes more widespread. To ensure safety, operational continuity, and asset preservation, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the risks and consequences associated with fire accidents in this environment.

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