Clinical and Diagnostic Presentation on Myocardial Biology

Clinical and Diagnostic Presentation on Myocardial Biology

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7561-4.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
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Myocardial infarction (MI) is known as a critical medical emergency that necessitates urgent medical intervention due to its life-threatening nature. Traditional treatment methods, such as medication, surgery, and cardiac rehabilitation, have significantly improved patient outcomes. Understanding the intricate biology of the myocardium is crucial for accurately diagnosing and effectively managing various cardiac conditions. Here the abstract highlights the key aspects of clinical and diagnostic presentation pertaining to myocardial biology. However, emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) present novel opportunities to enhance diagnosis and treatment approaches for MI. This research proposal aims to investigate the potential benefits of IoT-based diagnosis & treatment for myocardial infection and its impact on patient outcomes. Additionally, it explores the clinical manifestations and diagnostic approaches employed to assess myocardial function and identify pathological conditions.
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Clinical Presentation

In adults, the acute myocarditis (Figure 1) is profoundly factor, which ranges from fulminant cardiovascular breakdown. An early symptom indicating the onset of myocarditis includes gastrointestinal side effects, pain in muscles involving ligaments and tendons, joint stiffness, yet not consistently, goes before the beginning of myocarditis by a few days to a couple of weeks. There would be presence of dyspnoea, weakness, syncope, pain in chest and tiredness or a symptom of fatigue. Once in a while, patient with myocarditis is associated with chest pain related to temporary constriction of the muscle wall of an artery to heart known as coronary artery spasm. The chest pain is more specific to the patients with pericarditis.

Figure 1.

Acute myocarditis


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