Classroom Management 3.0: Moving From Now to Next

Classroom Management 3.0: Moving From Now to Next

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6315-4.ch042
(Individual Chapters)
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The impact of a poorly managed classroom on the health, well-being, and instruction of students, along with commensurate effects on the educational delivery and teacher efficacy has expanded nationally across school systems. There are often dire consequences of a poorly managed classroom, which includes teacher burnout, missed educational opportunities, increase absences of both students and teachers, poor test scores, educator fatigue, increase discipline and referrals, and reports of job dissatisfaction. While information about classroom management has proliferated, the art of implementing effective classroom management strategies across multitiered grades, content areas, and activities has not occurred in a seamless consistent manner. In this chapter, the literature on effective classroom management processes with multi-system approaches for delivery are suggested for providing cogent actions and strategies to educators in their daily practice. Critical issues and trends, perceptible strategies, and methods for implementation are covered.
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Effective Classroom Management

Classroom Management 3.0 serves to transform punitive disciplinary tactics through consensus building, accountability, and restorative practices as a part of effective classroom rituals and routines. But what exactly is it using a simplified definition, and how can it be identified, created, and replicated within different learning spaces, platforms, and for varied students? Considering the global COVID-19 pandemic and the urgent need that required traditional learning to move from a specific central location and locality to the virtual-sphere it is imperative to look at classroom management as a ubiquitous yet invisible shield that aids in the facilitation of learning and instruction (Alea, Fabrea, Roldan, & Farooqi, 2020).

The information in Figure 1 as identifies integral parts of developing and maintaining effective classroom management practices. Each individual item will not solely lend itself to creating effective classroom management, but collectively all items systematically create a platform for the facilitation of effective classroom management practices. Let us unpack the role and benefits of infusing well-developed classroom management practices within each educational arena.

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