Classification and Assessment of Visual Content of Medicinal Plants Using CNN

Classification and Assessment of Visual Content of Medicinal Plants Using CNN

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0807-3.ch007
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Use of medicinal plants has a long history in traditional medicine around the world. It is critical to correctly identify medicinal plants in order to determine their therapeutic characteristics and prospective applications. However, due to the complexity of their appearance, it might be a challenging process. Variation in features of leaf restrict the use of existing plants identification methods. This research suggests a deep learning-based solution using VGG-19 model, which employs a convolutional neural network (CNN) that is capable of learning and encoding complex aspects of images, allowing it to recognize and classify medicinal plants with high accuracy. The experiment has been done with the help of Flavia dataset which complies 1000 images, and extracted features are classified using different classifiers. The research has the potential to provide a knowledge base for identifying herbal plants to healthcare providers and herbal medicine researchers.
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The plants are playing key role in constructing our ecosystem, which are present around us. a number of these plants give us food whereas there are a large range of plants that have found their use in medicine. Normally these medicinal plants are different from the non- medicinal plants. Ancient times people were excellent at spotting the medicinal benefits of those plants for curing the diseases. They were well-known that within which plants have which kind of medicinal benefits. These plants were normally found in our homes or those that we discover within the roadsides. Because the days pass, for the people this is often becoming more complex to spot the medicinal plants. Many of us don’t even realize this sort of plant has medicinal value. So, to identify a plant first we consider the leaves of that plant to classify them. Leaves may be classified supported various features like texture, shape, color and pattern. Plants are the backbone of all life on Earth and an essential resource for human well-being. Plant recognition is very important in agriculture for the management of plant species whereas botanists can use this application for medicinal purposes. Plants are essential to the balance of nature and in people's lives. They are the ultimate source of food and metabolic energy for nearly all animals, which cannot manufacture their own food. Thus, the study of plants is vital because they are a fundamental part of life on Earth and generate the oxygen and food that allow humans and other organisms to exist. A digital plant identification system can be used for quick characterization of plant species without requiring the expertise of botanists, thus automizing their task. Medicinal plants have played a significant role in healthcare throughout human history, providing a plethora of remedies for various ailments. Their importance in healthcare is undeniable, as they offer a natural and sustainable source of medicine. This brief overview will explore the historical context, cultural significance, scientific advances, and future potential of medicinal plants in healthcare.\

  • Historical Significance: The use of medicinal plants dates back thousands of years, with evidence found in ancient civilizations like the Indian, Egyptians, and Chinese. In these cultures, healers relied on herbs, roots, and leaves to treat illnesses and injuries. The knowledge of medicinal plants was passed down through generations, forming the basis of traditional medicine systems worldwide.

  • Cultural Significance: Different cultures have their own rich traditions of herbal medicine. In Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), plants are fundamental components of diagnosis and treatment. Native American tribes have an intricate understanding of regional plants for medicinal use. These cultural practices highlight the deep connection between communities and the natural world.

  • Scientific Advances: In recent decades, scientific research has validated the efficacy of many medicinal plants. Active compounds found in plants have been isolated and synthesized to create modern medicines. For example, the pain-relieving properties of willow bark led to the development of aspirin, a widely used medication. Quinine, derived from the cinchona tree, revolutionized the treatment of malaria. These examples underscore the vital role of plants in drug discovery.

  • Biodiversity and Conservation: The importance of conserving medicinal plants goes beyond healthcare. Biodiversity ensures a variety of genetic resources, which can lead to the discovery of new medicines. Destruction of natural habitats and overharvesting threaten many plant species. Conservation efforts not only preserve traditional knowledge but also protect potential cures for future diseases.

  • Alternative and Complementary Medicine: Medicinal plants are integral to alternative and complementary medicine practices. Herbal supplements, acupuncture, and aromatherapy incorporate plant-based treatments. Many individuals prefer these therapies due to their holistic approach and fewer side effects, leading to a growing market for herbal products.

  • Challenges and Opportunities: Despite their significance, challenges exist in integrating medicinal plants into mainstream healthcare. Standardization of herbal preparations, quality control, and safety issues require stringent regulations. Additionally, there is a need for further research to understand the interactions between herbal remedies and conventional medicines.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Ethnobotany: It benefits from CNNs by enabling the systematic documentation and validation of traditional plant uses. The integration of AI in ethnobotanical research enhances our understanding of the cultural significance of medicinal plants.

Visual Feature Extraction: It is a critical step in CNNs, allowing them to identify and differentiate plant species based on their visual characteristics. CNNs excel at visual feature extraction, enabling them to recognize intricate details in medicinal plants' images.

Conservation Efforts: CNNs aid in conservation efforts by accurately identifying and monitoring endangered plant species, contributing to their protection. Effective conservation strategies rely on data-driven insights and technology like CNNs for plant species assessment.

VGG-19: VGG-19 is a popular CNN architecture known for its deep and complex network structure, making it effective for fine-grained image classification. Researchers often employ VGG-19 as a pre-trained model for transfer learning in medicinal plant classification.

Medicinal Plants: It is a vital source of natural remedies, and CNNs can help unlock their potential through image analysis. Research on medicinal plants is advancing with the aid of AI, improving the discovery and validation of their therapeutic properties.

Biodiversity Monitoring: It facilitates biodiversity monitoring by automating the identification of plant species, aiding in ecological studies and conservation strategies. Continuous biodiversity monitoring is crucial for tracking changes in plant populations and ecosystems.

Traditional Medicine Validation: The validation with CNNs involves scientific analysis of plant properties, bridging traditional knowledge with modern research. This approach helps preserve traditional practices while ensuring the safety and efficacy of medicinal plant use.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): It is deep learning model uniquely suited for tasks like medicinal plant classification due to their ability to learn hierarchical features from images. The versatility and accuracy of CNNs make them indispensable in a wide range of applications beyond plant classification.

Pharmaceutical Research: CNNs play a pivotal role in pharmaceutical research, accelerating the discovery of bioactive compounds within medicinal plants. AI-driven drug discovery from natural sources relies on CNNs to identify potential candidates for pharmaceutical development.

Plant Species Identification: It works of botanists and ecologists, ensuring accurate and rapid classification. Accurate plant species identification is essential for ecological studies, conservation efforts, and pharmaceutical research.

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