Christian Ethics and Xinyong Practices Leading to Longevity Post COVID-19 Pandemic Among Chinese Family Businesses in Indonesia and Malaysia

Christian Ethics and Xinyong Practices Leading to Longevity Post COVID-19 Pandemic Among Chinese Family Businesses in Indonesia and Malaysia

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7394-8.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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The emergence of the novel Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has changed our norms and lifestyles. In facing this crisis, businesses in general are often struggling to sustain their livelihood and legacy. For Chinese family dynasties that are in their third generations, i.e. YTL Corporation Berhad in Malaysia and Lippo Group in Indonesia, they are able to apply Christian ethics and xinyong “信用” virtues that enable longevity and fostering workplace innovation during the Covid-19 crisis. Christianity business ethics and xinyong practices can be connected through routine applications of Christ-centered decision-makings that are evident in business environments and social impacts. Nevertheless, integrating cultural norms and Chinese confucion virtues such as xinyong in family businesses can be challenging in ensuring the CFBs sustainability. Hence, this chapter sheds light on the journey of the two families' Chinese dynasties, as they apply Christian faith and xinyong along with impactful actions to develop new solutions leading to longevity.
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Living out the Christian ethics is a natural transformation of a new person in Christ. The old is gone, the new has come. Nevertheless, this transformation is a process that requires time and often a conundrum when encountered with cultural norms in Chinese confucion virtues such as xinyong, as well as the local country’s business practices such as in Indonesia and Malaysia. The Covid-19 pandemic has led us to an emergency that has revolutionised our lives, our way of working and living daily life. Chinese family dynasties such as YTL and Lippo are in their third generations, and they are able to apply Christian ethics and xinyong virtues that enable longevity and fostering workplace innovation during the Covid-19 crisis. Christianity business ethics and xinyong practices can be connected through routine applications of Christ-centered decision makings that are evident in business environments and social impacts. This chapter sheds light on the journey of the two family Chinese dynasties, as they apply Christian faith and xinyong along with impactful actions such as time, skills and experience to develop new solutuions leading to longevity.

Romans 12:2 NIV

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

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