Chitosan Polysaccharides: Modulation of Neuroinflammation

Chitosan Polysaccharides: Modulation of Neuroinflammation

Youssef Ait Hamdan, Hassane Oudadesse, Samia Elouali, Kamal Smimih, Hafida El Ghachi, Ayieton Jeraude Stive David Gnimassoun, Ramadane Abakar Ramdane, Nadia Eladlani, Mohammed Rhazi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9675-6.ch020
(Individual Chapters)
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Neuroinflammation is a complex, well-orchestrated process involving various groups of CNS glial cells and immune cells. Glial cells play a remarkable structural and functional role in the nervous system compared to neurons. However, neuroinflammation at the central level is a key player in various neurological disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases and CNS lesions. Therapeutic approaches to combat human neurodegenerative diseases must therefore restore neuronal and glial cell function. Natural resources are a source of potential therapeutic molecules for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Currently, chitosan and its derivatives from arthropod exoskeletons are endowed with powerful anti-neuroinflammatory properties, as well as the ability to transport therapeutic substances across the BBB. This chapter discusses possible therapeutic options, the mechanism and role of chitosan in alleviating neuroinflammation at the central level, and the resulting diseases, in particular glial cell disorders.
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Neuroinflammation And Glial Cells

Neuroinflammation is an inflammatory response that occurs in the nervous system in response to various stimuli such as infections, tissue injuries, toxins, or neurodegenerative disorders (Estera et al., 2021), (Mishra et al., 2021). Its role is to promote tissue repair and activate the immune system (Shi et al., 2021). However, it can also have detrimental effects, leading to neurotoxicity and neuronal degeneration (Asslih et al., 2021).

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