ChatGPT: An Automated Teacher's Guide to Learning

ChatGPT: An Automated Teacher's Guide to Learning

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4268-8.ch001
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ChatGPT's main advantage in today's classroom is its capacity to offer students automated support. Students can use ChatGPT to pose inquiries and receive personalised feedback on their work. This could enhance students' understanding of the subject matter and boost their performance as a whole. Furthermore, ChatGPT might be utilised to give students access to personalised learning and practice activities, which will enable them to study more efficiently. Teachers can also enhance their instruction by using ChatGPT. Students may develop interactive lessons with ChatGPT and give instructors feedback on how they are teaching. Teachers can better tailor their instruction to their students' needs by using this feedback.
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Technology use in education has been growing in popularity recently. Using ChatGPT (Chat-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer) for educational purposes is one of the most recent developments. ChatGPT is AI-artificial intelligence tool that simulates human speech using ML-machine learning and NLP-natural language processing algorithms. This kind of technology possesses the capability to completely change how people interact with and consume educational content.

Students' individualized learning proficiencies will be developed through ChatGPT. With the help of this technology, students can receive pertinent information that is specifically catered to their needs while also understanding their preferences and needs. Additionally, it offers suggestions and feedback to aid students in better understanding the subject matter. Better learning outcomes may result from the interactive and engaging nature of education provided by ChatGPT.

Teachers' workloads can be lighter as a result of utilizing ChatGPT. Many of the laborious tasks that teachers must perform, like grouping tests and giving feedback, can be automated by this technology. Teachers will have more time to devote to giving each student individualized attention and guidance as a result of this.

Students can also receive personalized learning paths via ChatGPT. Depending on the needs and progress of the students, this technology can provide assignments and questions for them. This may offer a more effective means of evaluating student performance and determining areas in which they require improvement. Like any technology, using ChatGPT for educational purposes could have some potential disadvantages. The possibility that this technology will be used to replace teachers and decrease human interaction in the classroom is among the primary reasons to be concerned. Additionally, there's a chance that the instruments will be applied unethically, like swaying students' beliefs or spreading misleading information.

All things considered, the utilization of ChatGPT for educational objectives is a promising advancement that could completely transform the way pupils acquire knowledge. With the help of technology, teachers can create more individualized learning experiences and give students more effective ways to evaluate their progress. But it's important to make sure the tools are used ethically and sensibly and don't take the place of a human teacher.

Artificial intelligence (AI) evolved dramatically over the last few decades and changed many facets of society. Numerous research domains, such as robotics, education, autonomous driving, and medical, artificial intelligence (AI) has made a name for itself. In its widest definition, AI refers to an computer system's ability to mimic human brain functions. This means gathering information from external sources, learning through teaching, and achieving the desired outcomes in light of that learning. The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is growing and has the potential to completely transform education by Devi (2022).

ChatGPT has gained a lot of popularity since its November 30, 2022 launch, which indicates AI possesses the capability to significantly change human communication and education. The app's releases created anticipation for ChatGPT's possible effects on education, but they also raised concerns. The potential broad effects of artificial intelligence (AI) in written communication are suggested by Microsoft's announcement that ChatGPT and other programs of a similar nature will soon be available to all users through its office suite of applications. As generative AI tools like ChatGPT are increasingly integrated into the classroom, educators need to address future-focused concerns regarding learning and instruction. Students need to understand artificial intelligence's (AI) workings, benefits, and drawbacks, as well as how to use AI to their own advantage without feeding the system's biases. It will be necessary for instructors to follow along, learning as they go and reinforcing previously learned skills like critical thinking, ethical source use, and source verification and examination by Montenegro-Rueda (2023).

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