ChatGPT and Academia: Exploring the Transformations and Transitions

ChatGPT and Academia: Exploring the Transformations and Transitions

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2314-4.ch004
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Since its launch in November 2022, this tool has brought massive transformations in almost every imaginable field. Among those fields, academia is perhaps the most discussed domain. However, much of what ChatGPT can do is still understudied. Therefore, this chapter aims to investigate the potential impact of ChatGPT in the domain of academia while exploring the possibilities for the future. The study emphasizes the theories that link ChatGPT's presence to its effects on academia and research.
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2. Review Of Literature

The literature on AI and especially ChatGPT has been rising with the number of users and research conducted on the same is rising. Artificial Intelligence on Education (AIEd) is one among the various domains research is conducted related to ChatGPT or GPT 3. The review for this study is categoried into three main focuses.

  • 1.

    Previous studies held on ChatGPT relating to Academia.

  • 2.

    Theories aligning to the scope of ChatGPT in connection to Academia.

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