Charismatic Leadership in Hospitality and Tourism

Charismatic Leadership in Hospitality and Tourism

Gonca Aytaş, Fatma Doğanay Ergen, Engin Aytekin
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6713-8.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The study is mainly focused on determining whether the managers possess a charismatic leadership style, and meanwhile, the relations of charismatic leadership with organizational performance, psychological commitment, emotional commitment, job satisfaction, corporate reputation, and work-home arrangements are examined. In this context, in this study, first of all, the concept of charismatic leadership is explained followed by a discussion of charismatic leadership in the tourism industry and hospitality businesses.
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It is apparent that many interpretations of leadership concentrate on issues such as influencing and persuading, initiating, directing, shaping, and interacting (Şişman, 2014: 4). Leadership is an important concept not only in social sciences but also in corporate life. A culture that supports the accomplishment of a company's goals and objectives must be established by leaders. These are the behaviors associated with the charismatic leadership style (Maher, 2017). An impressive relationship between charismatic leadership and high performance and follower satisfaction is emerging from an increasing corpus of studies. People who work for charismatic leaders are inspired to exert more effort and demonstrate greater satisfaction because they genuinely care about their leader (Nandal & Krishnan, 2000). At the same time, charismatic leadership is frequently considered to be the most productive leadership style since it motivates workers in a persuasive manner. The charismatic style also has the potential to be an effective instrument for bringing about subconscious transformation and meets the strong leadership expectations of employees through vision (Biviano, 2000).

Tourism businesses have complex and difficult architecture with their distinctive business designs, diverse cultures, and business functions as well because the service sector has its own attributes. Therefore, this may lead to the emergence of a different leadership style in each business (Ersöz & Turan, 2021: 129). Thus, the managers working in tourism businesses should adopt a leadership style accordingly (Turan & Ersöz, 2021: 5). However, since the interactions between leaders and employees and between employees and customers in tourism businesses that are part of the service sector are what specify service quality and customer satisfaction, the influence of the leader on employee performance and motivation is crucial (Ersöz & Turan, 2021: 129).

People who are referred to as leaders today occupy a significant position in relation to both the people in the societies, they are a part of and the workers in the organizations they work for, and they have an impact on both groups of people. Tourism business managers who possess leadership skills are among those who contribute to the caliber of the services offered and who must make sure that the employees share their goals and objectives. In addition to the stated characteristics, managers who are self-confident, communication-oriented, attach importance to the values of society and individuals, can create a vision and have high persuasion power are also called charismatic leaders in the literature (Erkılıç, 2021: 149).

Understanding leadership styles in tourism businesses is fundamental to comprehending the topic from both a scientific and sectoral perspective, just like it is in other fields and industries (Turan & Ersöz, 2021: 5). In this context, when the literature is examined, it is clear that research has been undertaken on the subject of charismatic leadership in the tourism industry and the actors involved in effective destination management (Maher, 2017; Gerges, Kamal & Mohammed, 2017; Valente, Dredge & Lohmann, 2014; Komppula, 2016). However, in the literature, it is noteworthy that the studies in which charismatic leadership is also investigated on the employees of the hospitality business take up more space (Priastana & Mujiati, 2020; Piuchan & Prachansit, 2019; Yamak & Eyüpoğlu, 2018; Stavrinoudis & Chrysanthopoulou, 2017; Bilgin, Kuzey, Torlak & Uyar, 2015; Tromp & Blomme, 2014; Choi, 2010; Kozak & Uca, 2008). It has been noted that the studies are mainly focused on determining whether the managers possess a charismatic leadership style, and meanwhile, it is observed that the relations of charismatic leadership with organizational performance, psychological commitment, emotional commitment, job satisfaction, corporate reputation and work-home arrangements are examined. It is thought that it is important to reveal the importance of charismatic leadership in the field of tourism, especially in accommodation businesses, and to evaluate the studies on the subject. In this context, in this study, the concept of charismatic leadership is explained and followed by a discussion of charismatic leadership in the tourism industry and hospitality businesses.

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