Characterizing Coordination in Humanitarian Supply Chains: A Case Study in Colombia

Characterizing Coordination in Humanitarian Supply Chains: A Case Study in Colombia

Juan David Suarez, Mateo Pachón Rincón, Carlos Osorio Ramirez
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8160-4.ch013
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Coordination has been reported as a main issue in humanitarian supply chain. Although it is recognized as a potential driver for efficiency, it is not broadly studied in real cases. This chapter presents a case study for humanitarian supply chain. Using Lambert's framework for SCM, humanitarian supply chain is characterized identifying its structure, business processes, and management components. Once humanitarian supply chain is understood, a short review is performed to identify how coordination is being integrated into humanitarian supply chains body of literature, and principles, techniques, and technologies applied for coordination in humanities supply chain are identified. Finally, using content analysis methodology, coordination issues are mapped through humanitarian actors in Colombia by understanding the supply chain strategy of three principal actors for Colombian humanitarian supply chain.
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Theories And Approaches

(Lambert et al., 1998) proposed a framework for understanding supply chains. This framework is composed of three elements: the supply chain structure, the business processes and the management components. Supply chain’s structure refers to the setup of the different network actors, having into account from the raw materials suppliers to the end costumer. Supply chain structure includes both horizontal and vertical dimensions. Examples of applications for Lambert framework can be seen in (Gonzalez-Feliu, Osorio-Ramirez, Palacios-Arguello, & Talamantes, 2018)

Regarding the business processes, Lambert (1998) defines eight key processes among the supply chain relationships: customer relationship management, customer service management, demand management, order fulfillment, manufacturing flow management, procurement, product development and commercialization and returns.

Finally, the management components are referred as the managerial variables by which business processes are integrated and managed, these are classified in those related with the physical and technical components (planning and control methods, work flow, organization structure, communication and information flow and product flow) and those related with the managerial and behavioral components (management methods, power and leadership structure, risk and reward structure and culture and attitude).

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