Characteristics of Farm and Rural Internet Use in the USA

Characteristics of Farm and Rural Internet Use in the USA

Peter L. Stenberg, Mitchell Morehart
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-851-2.ch025
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The Internet became enmeshed in U.S. businesses management practices over the last decade. During this period access and use of the Internet increased for all regions of the United States, most types of work places, and all income groups. In this study we examine Internet use by farm and rural workers and proprietors using descriptive statistics and market demand analysis. In our market demand analysis approach, the primary methodology we use is categorical dependent variable analysis. The results indicate income is a critical element, though other factors such as age of proprietor and rural-urban location are also significant in market demand determination.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Logistic Regression: A regression model where the dependent variable takes on a limited number of discrete values, often two values representing yes and no.

Metro and Nonmetro: Terms indicating degrees of urbanization. Metro areas are considered densely populated; nonmetro areas are not densely populated.

E-Commerce: Economic transactions taking place through the Internet.

Farm Businesses: Farms in the business of producing and selling agricultural products.

Diffusion: The adoption process of new technology or practices through the economy into businesses, households, and governments.

Predictive Probability: In the logistic regression model, a predictive probability is the odds the dependent variable takes a specific value when one independent variable value changes while all other independent variables are held fixed.

Online Purchases: Goods and services that are bought over the Internet.

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