Characterising a Green Supply Chain Using Multi-Dimensional Construct: Evidence From an Emerging Economy

Characterising a Green Supply Chain Using Multi-Dimensional Construct: Evidence From an Emerging Economy

Chetan V. Hiremath, Chandan Chavadi, Sudhansu Sekhar Nanda, Shankargouda C. Patil
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9503-2.ch014
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The study proposed a construct for a green supply chain, which aims to analyze the different elements that contribute to a network being considered “green.” The study found that there are many types of research done on green products, but very few on green corporations and supply chains. Also, there is a lack of consensus in definitions and previous studies have not examined the inter-relations among the variables that contribute to a supply chain being considered green. The review of the literature reveals the range of factors, from the procurement of raw materials to end customer perceptions which make the supply chain green. In a simple random sampling, 125 responses were collected from Karnataka to explore the interrelations between the factors. The analysis evaluates whether the underlying structure of a green supply chain is uni-dimensional or multi-dimensional. Whether the factors have a hierarchical relationship and are factors independent or correlated, the analysis found that there are four correlated factors without any higher order.
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Review Of Literature

There are myriads of concepts about green products put forth by several studies. The extant review of literature affirms lack of universal and coherent definition in terms of what constitutes green product and green practices (Orsato, 2006; Albino et al., 2009; L ́opez-Gamero et al., 2009; Ritter et al., 2015, Han et al., 2023). Moreover, the literature is also scattered over the concept of green (Rivera-Camino, 2006). There are many perception challenges with the definition of Green. Also, few studies address how different approaches towards sustainability yield different results (Figg and Thorpe, 2023). The following items (Table No. 1) were extracted based on the comprehensive review to understand what made firms green.

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