Channel Choices and Revenue Logistics of Software Companies Developing Mobile Games

Channel Choices and Revenue Logistics of Software Companies Developing Mobile Games

Risto Rajala, Matti Rossi, Virpi Ruunainen, Janne Vihinen
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-629-7.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In this chapter, we explore the revenue logics and related product distribution models of mobile game developer companies. Mobile gaming is facing a transformation in both technical infrastructures and business models as it grows at a very fast pace. The former change originates from the technological shift of the environment of use; for example, from specific game consoles toward mobile phone platforms. The latter change relates to the possibility of delivering and playing games online, which affects both the distribution partnerships and the revenue stream options of mobile game vendors. We present a set of possible business models for game developers and concentrate on the possible combinations of revenue logics and distribution models for different games.

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