Changing the Dynamics of the Market of Fertilizers in Mexico: A Comprehensive Sustainable Entrepreneurship Model for the Organic Fertilizer Business During the Pandemic

Changing the Dynamics of the Market of Fertilizers in Mexico: A Comprehensive Sustainable Entrepreneurship Model for the Organic Fertilizer Business During the Pandemic

José G. Vargas-Hernández
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3374-4.ch002
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This chapter aims to analyze the market of fertilizers in Mexico during the pandemic crisis. This analysis of the fertilizer market in Mexico points out that the consumption of fertilizers has undergone a change in the structure in favor of consumers with the highest concentration and diversification. The method used is the analytical-descriptive and the critical reflexive based on the quantitative data obtained from secondary sources. The functioning of an integral model of entrepreneurship in green innovation business (GIB) that is currently emerging and in the process of internationalization is analyzed. This chapter analyzes a particular company that specializes in ecological biomineral organic fertilizer where no chemical product is used to produce the composition. Everything that is marketed is made up of a base of organic minerals and other organic compounds.
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Fertilizer Demand In Mexico

A recent analysis of the fertilizer market in Mexico has pointed out that the consumption of fertilizers has undergone a change in the structure in favor of consumers with the highest concentration and diversification (UACH). This situation has contributed to a drop in the consumption of fertilizers because the farmer's real income has fallen.

On the change in the consumption pattern (sources), I have no hard information about it. From experience in the field, it can be stated that there has been a growth in the use of physical fertilizer mixtures where the distributor makes certain formulations, mixing fertilizers and thus the producer only buys one product. Regarding those of high concentration, it is well understood, if possible because there has been significant growth in protected agriculture and around strawberries and high-value vegetables where drip irrigation is used through its fertilizers are applied. For this, highly soluble sources with minimal impurities are usually used, which are not normally traditional sources.

However, with more recent data reported by Instituted Trusts in relation to Agriculture (FIRA 2020), in the agricultural year 2019 71.8% of the sown area was fertilized, representing the seventh consecutive year with increases in the percentage of fertilized area. According to this report, the consumption of fertilizers in Mexico grew 5.8%.

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