Changing Skills and Attendant Stressors Appraising the Efficacy of Traditional Wellness Programmes in the 4IR: Skills Development

Changing Skills and Attendant Stressors Appraising the Efficacy of Traditional Wellness Programmes in the 4IR: Skills Development

Andrisha Beharry Ramraj, John Amolo
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3347-5.ch011
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The need for pertinent skills is invaluable in every industrial evolution and will not be any different for the fourth industrial revolution. Appropriate employee wellness programmes will enable an increase in the potential of employees to develop the required skills necessary for the fourth industrial revolution. The fourth industrial revolution is having the blurring line effect between the physical, digital, and biological spheres characterised by systems, scope, and velocity. This chapter shall address the need of changing skills and its relevance to the fourth industrial revolution, employee effectiveness, and efficiency. The fourth industrial revolution requires employees to be multi skilled rather than being specialist skilled.
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The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is currently taking place and is changing the way we communicate, live and work. Previous industrial revolutions brought along many benefits that shaped the way people go about their lives (Figure 1). The first revolution saw the introduction of the commercial steam engine which enhanced transportation, the second revolution brought about the telephone which amplified communication, the third revolution saw the internet take the world by storm, and lastly the fourth revolution brought about disruptive technologies and trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Disruptive technologies are technologies that takes the place of an established technological discovery and either create a new industry or vastly change the current industry it is situated in (Morrar, Arman & Mousa, 2017). Like any industrial revolution, change is imminent and this change is said to be very powerful. Each of the revolutions has attained some benefits as noted in Figure 1, and it can be noted that there has been an increase in the levels of benefits. It all started with steam powered machines, and finally we are dealing with robots which eventually impact on the skills levels required for this revolution.

Figure 1.

Benefits of industrial revolutions

Nkuni (2018)

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