Changing Dimensions of the Work-Life Balance of Teachers: A Social Perspective

Changing Dimensions of the Work-Life Balance of Teachers: A Social Perspective

Sayantani Banerjee, Anupama Verma
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3380-5.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
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Teachers' work life has undergone a lot of changes in recent years which have caused an increased level of occupational stress and work-life imbalance for the teaching faculties of educational institutions, especially universities. Today, teachers, apart from teaching, have to perform multiple roles. As a result, striking a proper balance between their professional and personal roles has become a necessity of time. The purpose of this study is to put forth the evolution, concept, and origin of work-life balance individually, and work-life balance in totality through an extensive review of the literature. The study attempts to identify the numerous organizational factors that affect the continuum of work life balance of university teachers. Further, the study delves into the consequence of family-friendly work-life balance policies and practices implemented by the employers on the perception and attitude of the employees. The secondary data used for the literature review in this theoretical study includes journals, books, theses, working papers, magazines, internet sites, newspapers.
Chapter Preview

Motivation And Proposes Of The Work

The study is a systematic review of literature on the work-life balance and is conducted to fulfill the following objectives:

  • 1.

    To trace the evolution of work-life balance.

  • 2.

    To understand the concept and origin of work, life, balance individually, and work-life balance in totality.

  • 3.

    To explore and evaluate the various organizational factors that impact work life balance of teachers.

  • 4.

    To study the WLB practices implemented by the employers and their impact on the attitude and perception of the employees.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Job Satisfaction: It is the feeling or measure of contentment and accomplishment that an individual derives from his overall job or individual aspects of the job.

Employee Engagement: It is the feeling or behavior of an employee in terms of emotional commitment, dedication and enthusiasm towards his job or organization.

University: It is an institution of higher learning (undergraduate or postgraduate) and research opportunities and is authorized to grant academic degrees in several academic streams.

Workload: It is the amount of work performed by an individual or role within a particular period of time.

Work-Life Blending: It is the healthy, steady incorporation of both work and non-work lives simultaneously without having to compromise, sacrifice or favor one over the other.

Work-Life Balance Policies: It is defined as any deliberate organizational change, benefit, initiatives, or guidelines designed and implemented to reduce work family conflict and help employees create better balance between their professional and personal demands.

University Teachers: It means a whole-time/part time teacher appointed and paid by the university, or recognized by the university with the principal role of teaching apart from carrying out other academic duties.

Work-Life Balance: It is defined as the proper prioritization and division of time between professional and family or leisure activities.

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