Challenges of Blockchain Usage in the Education Sector

Challenges of Blockchain Usage in the Education Sector

Abdul-Mumin Khalid, Mohammed Majeed, Ahmed Tijani
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7649-9.ch013
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The blockchain (BC) is the next technologically mediated socioeconomic megatrend in the age of technological revolution. In this chapter, the authors look at some of the obstacles that BC technology faces in the classroom. It is stated that the education sector cannot take for granted that the digital transformation. BC has many potential uses in education, including improving teacher and student agency, streamlining the rollout of educational projects, and establishing a transparent, decentralized system for accrediting and certifying students' proficiency. Educational BC with its distributed ledger offers innovative norms of crypto-learning and crypto-administration that are acceptable across companies and nations, strengthening thus the objectivity, authenticity, and control of information without being compromised by socio-economic instabilities. BC technology's delayed acceptance in the education sector mirrors that in the teaching and learning sectors, but it also presents several major hurdles, including a lack of funding, security, cost, scalability, and awareness.
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Overall, this work presents a comprehensive analysis of the current research on BC's potential uses and limitations in higher education. Researchers will benefit from these understandings since they will better be able to focus their efforts. Using a literature review approach, this chapter explores how BC technology might be used in the classroom. This is one of the first studies to provide a comprehensive overview of BC technology, discussing its history, potential future uses, and existing limitations.

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