Challenges in FPGA Technology Paradigm for the Implementation of IoT Applications

Challenges in FPGA Technology Paradigm for the Implementation of IoT Applications

Arul Murugan C., Banuselvasaraswathy B.
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9806-0.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Internet of things (IoT) is a recent technology, and it will become the next generation of internet that connects several physical objects to interact amongst themselves without the assistance of human beings. It plays a significant role in our day-to-day lives and is used in several applications. IoT is a boon to this modern world, but it lacks in security. It cannot protect the user data from assailants, hackers, and vulnerabilities. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) helps to achieve all these objectives by incorporating secured end-to-end layer into its architecture. In this chapter, ultralow power and reduced area AES architecture with energy efficient DSE-S box techniques and clock gating for IoT applications are introduced. The proposed AES architecture is implemented over different FPGA families such as Cyclone I, Cyclone II, Virtex 5, and Kintex 7, respectively. From the experimental results, it is observed that the Kintex 7 FPGA kit consumes less power than other FPGA families.
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IoT is a burst out from the wireless communication technology in 21st century. Its evolution is due to the emerging technologies, software embedded sensors, internet, and communication protocols. In the present globalized world, internet of things is generally used to access any data from anywhere with no limits. According to technology consulting firm Gartner, 2.1 billion devices are relied to be connected by 2020. Correspondingly, (Dave Evans, 2011) the Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) report clearly stated that the number internet connected devices is 500 Million in the year 2003. In future Cisco IBSG expects 50 billion devices to be connected to the internet by the year 2020.Therefore, IoT has a great impact to modernize the entire world in near future. IoT will systematically alter the way of living as the Internet strikes on education, health, homes, communications, transportation, cities, business, science etc in general because, daily life and interaction with every devices will connect to the internet in the upcoming decade.

The present IoT technology automates the process and ensures safety life of the individuals. The Automation and monitoring system demands mobility, fault tolerance and security features with the resource constrained inputs. Providing security and reliability within stipulated memory and processing capability confines the mobility of the user within a small Region of Interest, restricting their demands. In the advanced technology of connected devices, machines in addition to devices need to be secured in design and system levels. The use of FPGA benefits all the aforementioned objectives to be met.

The FPGA has reconfigurable hardware and it is a special purpose programmable processor. The term ‘Field’ indicates the operation changing capability within the field and ‘Gate Array‘ means the construction of internal architecture of the device. It accepts the inputs from the input device, process it and sends the processed signals to the output device. IoT encloses an incredible number of small devices connected together. Therefore each device require end to end layered protection from the device level as shown in figure 1

Figure 1.

End to end layer connected system


In order to ensure security from the device layer to the network layer the FPGA system architecture should be designed with unique features The FPGA should protect all the data and hardware components from attackers. The Physically Un-clonable Function (PUF) technology was basically implemented in hardware to provide authentication by generating private and public keys for cryptographic methods. In order to carry out PUF technology in FPGA, the device should be well equipped with hardware components to support several cryptographic techniques like for AES, SHA, Elliptic Curve Cryptography etc. By using this provision, the user can design their own public key. So that, every hardware and their data communication are protected, secured and confidently used in IoT applications.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT is a convergence platform which enables anything unconnected to connect with any device.

Encryption: It is the way of converting plaintext to ciphertext.

Advance Encryption Standard (AES): It is a symmetric key algorithm and the plain text is processed in blocks. A similar key is utilized for both encryption and decryption.

Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA): FPGA is basically a silicon chip that has reprogrammable digital circuitry.

Decryption: It is the way of recovering ciphertext from plaintext.

Cryptography: It is used to protect the information. Cryptography is the study of secret writing or art of solving codes.

S-Box: A substitution-box is a primary component of symmetric key algorithm. S-boxes are composed of highly nonlinear Boolean function. It performs substitution process in symmetric key algorithm.

Key: Group of bits which plays a vital role in decryption and encryption. It is information stored in cipher which is known only to sender/receiver.

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