Challenges Facing E-Publishing Over Cloud Computing on Scientists' Social Network Service: A Comparative Study

Challenges Facing E-Publishing Over Cloud Computing on Scientists' Social Network Service: A Comparative Study

Evon Abu-Taieh, Auhood Alfaries, Shaha Al-Otaibi
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6367-9.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter illustrates the difficulties facing e-publishing over cloud computing pertaining to scientifically-oriented social network services from three axioms: the life cycle of the research document, an explanation of what a researcher juggles to conduct proper research, and the researcher knowledge pertaining to both scholarly search engines and citation indices. The chapter discusses the essential role of the researcher in teaching, being a beacon of hope, and explains the steps towards research conducting, when an original idea is deduced, as well as the step of writing research addressing the financial support for researchers: from submitting proposals, follow up proposals, grant management if funding is secured, whilst conducting the research, and publishing the results in accredited journals approved by the researcher's institute and financing partner, while publishing the research in accordance with the laws and regulations of the institute.
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This chapter will shed light on the difficulties facing e-publishing over cloud computing pertaining to scientifically-oriented social network service from three axioms: the life cycle of the research document, after which, the chapter will clarify what a researcher juggles throughout the production of the document related to research. As such, the first part of the chapter will show the life cycle of the research paper and illustrates how each segment of the cycle ripple affect the next segment, then the chapter will present the different force affecting a scholar and the many balls a scholar juggles. Subsequently the chapter will reflect how a scholar knows about scientifically-oriented social network service but does not know the important parts of the different indices that is affected by the citation. In fact, the least known citation indices SCI & SSCI are the most important indices used to rank universities.

Afterwards, the chapter discusses the essential role of the researcher in teaching, being a beacon of hope, as well as being a mentor when molding human minds of young students, then how the research is conducted, and how the ideas are construed in the researcher’s mind by reading other research, conducting experiments, discussions, seminars, and from life. The chapter will explain the steps towards research conducting, when an original idea is either deduced or the researcher resort to going back to the drawing board. When an original idea is reckoned, the researcher embarks on the quest and conduct more researcher either by experimenting or working on other research and reading. Subsequently, the step of writing research would be the next topic to be discussed, then the chapter will address the financial support for researchers that entails submitting proposals, follow up proposals, grant management if funding is secured, whilst conducting the research, and publishing the results in accredited journals approved by the researcher’s institute and financing partner. In addition, the chapter will discuss the importance of publishing the research in accordance with the laws and regulations of the institute. Consequently, the chapter sheds more light on the rate of the journal based on reputation of the journal and Journal Citation Rank (JCR) or scientific Journal Ranking (SJR), accordingly, the next section of this chapter discusses the three most important words in ranking journals: ERA, Scopus, and ISI.

In this context, the chapter discusses paper publishing process, in terms of the cost and time efficiency coupled with the copy rights rules and regulations. Then the chapter discussed the language barrier, in view that most of the web-based search engines and scientifically-oriented social network services are in English mainly, subsequently the chapter discusses that being knowledgeable of current technology is becoming more indispensable.

Subsequently, the chapter will unveil two discovering studies conducted at the University of Jordan – Aqaba and Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University (PNU), to determine the level of being tech savvy of the scholars at both universities. The study aims to discover if the researchers know/don’t know about the different Scientifically-oriented Social network service, citation indices, bibliographic software, scholar search engines etc. The questionnaire identified whether teaching staff know of “Scientifically-Oriented Social network service”, bibliographic software, scholar search engines, and their knowledge of different citing indices, whereby, measuring the savviness of the faculty members of the university, indicated the level of alignment of the faculty members with the university strive to become a globally recognized university.

Accordingly, in subsequent sections, the chapter will investigate the web-metrics, university ranking, accreditation bodies, and address the cause of accreditation, before discussing the survey results then the chapter will conduct a comparison between the survey respondents from both universities.

Key Terms in this Chapter

E-Publishing: Electronic publishing is publishing on-line intellectual work.

Citation Index: An indicator that represents the number of intellectual work cited by other than author.

Cloud Computing: The use of internet and storage devices on-line and processing.

Search Engines: A website that allows a computer user to search the internet.

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