Challenges Faced When Utilizing Service Bots in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Challenges Faced When Utilizing Service Bots in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Mohammad Irfan, S. Dhanabagiyam, Riddhi Pandit, Mohammed K. Majeed
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5903-7.ch013
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Service bots are revolutionizing the tourism sector, offering a promising avenue to elevate productivity and augment customer experiences. However, their integration isn't without hurdles, encapsulating a spectrum of challenges that demand attention. Primarily, the advent of service bots sparks concerns about potential job displacement. As these bots assume roles traditionally performed by humans, the necessity for human labor diminishes, potentially leading to workforce reductions—especially for small and medium-sized enterprises in the tourism sector. In essence, while service bots hold immense promise, navigating their integration demands careful consideration of the potential downsides. Balancing technological advancement with the preservation of human connection and addressing privacy, security, and financial considerations are imperative for a harmonious symbiosis between automation and human-centric hospitality within the tourism industry.
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