Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing AI-Driven Surveillance for Women's Wellbeing

Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing AI-Driven Surveillance for Women's Wellbeing

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3406-5.ch007
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This research explores the difficulties and positive aspects of using AI-driven surveillance to improve women's wellbeing. The authors delve into the challenges, such as concerns about privacy and ethics, as well as societal and technical obstacles. On the flip side, the authors highlight opportunities, emphasizing how these technologies can empower women and enhance safety measures. The study incorporates case studies to provide real-world examples and extracts lessons from both successful and challenging implementations. Ethical considerations, including privacy and fairness, are thoroughly examined. The findings contribute recommendations for policies, ethical guidelines, and potential areas for future research in this evolving field. Overall, this research aims to shed light on the complex landscape of AI-driven surveillance for women's wellbeing, offering insights to guide future developments and implementations.
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In recent years, there has been a growing interest in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the safety and overall wellbeing of women. This involves the use of intelligent technologies such as cameras and sensors, fueled by AI capabilities, to actively monitor and address potential risks that women may face. The driving force behind this initiative is the concerning prevalence of safety issues and violence experienced by women across different societal settings. The fundamental idea is to deploy advanced technology as a means to create a safer environment, enabling women to navigate their daily lives without the constant fear of potential harm. However, as we venture into this technological realm, it becomes imperative to carefully consider the privacy implications, ethical concerns, and the potential impact on established societal norms. Finding a delicate balance between utilizing AI for the safety of women and respecting individual rights proves to be a challenging task. Thus, a thorough examination of the background and context surrounding AI-driven surveillance for women’s wellbeing is essential to navigate this complex intersection of technology and societal needs.

Significance of Addressing Challenges and Exploring Opportunities

Addressing challenges and exploring opportunities in the domain of AI-driven surveillance for women's wellbeing is immensely important. When we confront and overcome obstacles, it sets the stage for responsible and effective implementation of these technologies. This is critical because it ensures that the advantages of AI, such as heightened safety and empowerment for women, can be fully realized. To achieve this, it is essential to understand and resolve challenges, whether they revolve around privacy concerns, ethical considerations, or technical limitations. This process not only enhances the functionality of AI but also helps build trust in these innovations.

On the positive side, delving into opportunities provides a chance to unlock the complete potential of AI, creating positive impacts on women's lives. These opportunities encompass empowering women through technology, enhancing safety measures, and addressing societal and health disparities. By thoroughly addressing challenges and actively seeking opportunities, we contribute to the development of ethical, effective, and inclusive AI-driven solutions that genuinely benefit women's wellbeing.

Adopting a proactive approach is vital to ensure that technological advancements align with the values and needs of society, especially in the context of women's safety and empowerment. This proactive stance involves continuous efforts to refine AI applications, making them more adept at addressing the complex and dynamic challenges faced by women, ultimately fostering a safer and more empowering environment.

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