Challenges and Innovations in YOLO-Based Drone Detection for the Industry 5.0 Revolution

Challenges and Innovations in YOLO-Based Drone Detection for the Industry 5.0 Revolution

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2093-8.ch005
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The Industry 5.0 revolution emerges as an amalgamation of advanced technological systems with human touch onset. In this transformative time, drone technologies have become essential pieces for varied uses and their detection poses a reliable identification. Several challenges that arise when implementing YOLO-based models for drone detection are thoroughly analyzed in this chapter. It clarifies the advanced innovations that got introduced to address these challenges making effective drone detection in the framework of Industry 5.0. By studying practical cases, innovations in deep learning and YOLO models' adaptability, the chapter provides an overview of the present situation and potential future for drone detection as we move into a new stage of industrial progress.
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Definition and Significance of Industry 5.0: Industry 5.0 is a prominent development in the industrial revolution characterized by advanced digitisation but with human-focused orientation of technological advancements within mass production or manufacturing industries. It is a transition from where we were with the industry to 4.0 where everything was automated and efficient towards a model that values sustainable creation while still having an element of harmony between humans and machines (T. C. Mallick, M. A. I. Bhuyan, 2016). This revolution is marked by the affirmation of human creativity and decision-making as important actors that complement the technological innovations. Industry 5.0 is intended to increase the adaptability and creativity of the workforce, decrease ecological footprint, as well as enhance production effectiveness and quality(S. K. Lakshmanaprabu, 2019). This approach is not only increases manufacturing potentials but guarantees a future that’s more inclusive and sustainable.

Role of Drone Technologies in Industry 5.0: Drone technologies as the tools that are developing into serious players in the Industry 5.0 landscape are of utmost importance. Their utilization is versatile, as they are used not only for aerial surveillance purposes but also in logistics maintenance, and collecting real-time data. 5.0 Drones in Industryare not only automation tools but facilitators that functions as collaborators and amplifies the human capabilities, powers and reach(S. He, Q. Wu, J. Liu, 2017). They can reach hazardous or distant locations, collect information in real-time and provide insights that were heretofore not available to enhance decision making safety and operational efficiency(Alojaiman, Bader, 2023). Incorporating drones into industrial ecosystems reflects the Industry 5.0 initiative of blending human intelligence with machine precision to promote creativity, maintain safety in the workplace and quality production (Choi, Hee-Wook, 2023).

Overview of YOLO (You Only Look Once) Models in Drone Detection: The YOLO models are an innovative outcome in the sphere of object detection, drone detection included as well. As real-time object detection models, YOLO can detect and classify different objects in a single frame instantly and accurately. This ability is very good in drone detection that depend totally on timely and reliable identification D. K. Jain, Y. Li, M. J, 2022). Unlike the traditional models that process an image in different multiple steps, YOLO models are capable of analyzing an entire coherent image during a single pass thus reducing drastically its detection time and which makes it readily available for applications where speed is critical (M. A. Mohamed and A. E. AbuElgasim, 2019). Their capacity to handle and process video feeds at live is almost ideal for a fast, swift, efficient, and precise technology solution that Industry It doesn’t align very well with. This efficiency allows industries to track and control drone operations effectively, leading to security, compliance with set regulations, and efficient operations (R. C. Tanguturi and B. Ashreetha, 2023). Use of the Yolo models in drones for detection is one of the innovative acts in the Industry 5.0 because it demonstrates how technology can be used to address various challenges within modern industry.

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