Challenges and Advantages of Implementing Blockchain Internet of Medical Things (B-IoMT) in 6G Networks

Challenges and Advantages of Implementing Blockchain Internet of Medical Things (B-IoMT) in 6G Networks

Murugan K., Somasundaram R., Mythili Thirugnanam, Pousia S., Sakthi U.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9636-4.ch012
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The internet of things (IoT) has cleared the door for sophisticated functionalities to be introduced into the healthcare business. IoT systems handle a significant amount of data and require 6G network connectivity, power, and storage to convert it into useful information. The internet of medical things refers to the use of IoT-based internet-enabled medical devices in the healthcare business (IoMT). The lack of security standardization and energy-consuming cryptographic algorithms in man-in-the-middle attacks, session hijacking, and wireless encryption breaking are all possible security problems with IoMT. On the other hand, because of its decentralised nature, blockchain may be used to address IoT problems. The widespread adoption of decentralised blockchain technology in IoT has significantly reduced the danger of sensitive healthcare data being exposed. The authors combine blockchain technology with IoMT (B-IoMT) in this chapter to enable secure data transfer over a 6G network connection. The blockchain's security characteristics aid in achieving tamper-proof data transfer in IoMT.
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Challenges In 6G Networks

Despite the fact that 5G is still in its early stages of commercialization, which means that related technical features must be improved and the plan of action of Internet of Things and vertical industry application situations should be additionally explored, it is likewise essential for us to look forward to the correspondence needs of things to come data society and start arranging now. In this paper, we endeavor to survey the requirement for a fast beginning up of ideas and specialized improvement on the cutting-edge portable correspondence framework, named 6G.

To help the probability of new applications like forceful medication, PC calamity anticipating, and augmented reality, a 6G portable organization framework should give extraordinarily high rates, expanded limit, and non-nearness (VR). Due to the past pre-guideline of versatile organizations, the primary 6G connections will essentially be founded on the current 5G construction, exploiting the advantages acquired in 5G (for instance, the expansion in permitted recurrence groups likewise streamlined the plan of a decentralized framework) and changing the way we task and play Aiosa, G. V (2021).

Data will most likely affect our audiences around 2030, offering immediate and unrestricted cellular connectivity. As a result, 6G should boost current wireless technologies and achieve system compliance. As far as speed, 6G is relied upon to utilize a more refined recurrence range than past ages to expand information throughput expected to be 100 to multiple times quicker than 5G.To be more explicit, 6G frameworks will permit many GBs each second to associate with one another utilizing broadband range; for instance, the joined utilization of a band from 1 to 3 GHz, a millimeter-wave band (mm-wave) (30 to 300 GHz), and a terahertz band will permit many GBs each second to interface with one another (0.06 to 10 THz) Chen, S et al. (2020). “At the point when the remote connection is completely sent, the Earth will be loaded with incredible brains...” said Nikola Tesla in 1926. In 2030, in view of anticipated advancement and motivated by fundamental necessities on an individual and social level. Tesla gauges can emerge out of anyplace on the planet, and 6G will assume a key part in this advancement by giving an ICT structure that will permit end shoppers to be encompassed by a monstrous fake cerebrum. It has the limitless capacity, virtual capacity, and mass cognizance abilities. This record incorporates a 6G vision just as an investigation of 6G's expected difficulties.

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