Central Language Hypothesis

Central Language Hypothesis

Duygu Buğa
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4009-0.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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The purpose of this chapter is to define and present central language integration by neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic aspects in bilingual and multilingual persons in emotion-based circumstances. Central language hypothesis (CLH) imparts that one language in the subconscious mind of bilingual and multilingual individuals is more suppressive and it is structured as central language. It has an emotional background such that if limbic cortex of the brain gets any stimulus (e.g., fear, anxiety, sorrow, etc.), the brain directly produces the CL. This phenomenon distinguishes CL from the notion of mother tongue because mother tongue is the first language that is acquired at home, but CL may be the second language as well.
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The current paper, by neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic aspects, defines and presents Central Language which ingenerates in bilingual and multilingual brain in some emotion based circumstances. It is a fact that the number of multilingual and bilingual individuals is increasing day by day. Distinctive studies about bilingualism and multilingualism are presented to understand the bilingual and multilingual brain and mind by researchers (see Wei & Moyer, 2008). There are various statements about the description of bilingualism. For instance, according to Bhatia (2006), to be bilingual, end result of the second language acquisition is required. That is to say, the end result of second language acquisition is bilingualism. In addition, Bilingual speaker is fluent in two languages (Harley, 2008). Moreover, childhood is critical on bilingual acquisition that acquiring two languages in childhood means bilingual acquisition (Deuchar & Quay, 2000). On the other hand, Edwards (2006) states that everybody who knows at least a few words in another language is bilingual speaker. Grosjean (2013): “Bilinguals use their languages for different purposes, in different domains of life, to accomplish different things. Their level of fluency in a language depends on their need for that language. Hence many bilinguals are more fluent in a given language, and some cannot read or write one of their languages” (p. 7). Discrepant phenomena point that there isn’t any consensus among researchers on what the bilingualism is. Also Li Wei (2000) presents different types of bilingualism and it can be seen from the Table 1.

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