Can Change Management Be Disrupted Through Leadership Stretegies?: Evidence From Start-Up Firms in Asia

Can Change Management Be Disrupted Through Leadership Stretegies?: Evidence From Start-Up Firms in Asia

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7509-6.ch006
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The “change management” process is a helpful approach for changing the environment of business companies to go ahead in the upcoming days. It has been known that the employees are the main part of an organisation who has not accepted the changing process at first; and for that reason, the appropriate leadership strategy is required to bring the changes within. The start-ups of Asia have been explained in this study for improving the leadership techniques by which the leaders have enhanced their leadership qualities to accept the change management process. The analysis of the responses derived from the survey has been done using the statistical tool “SPSS,” which has been chosen for its tools of descriptive and inferential statistics. The outcomes of the data analysis have been evaluated to depict the inference of the results of the correlation and regression of the data. Moreover, the results of the statistical analysis have been discussed in alignment with the hypotheses that have been formed using the independent and dependent variables.
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Change management is a process based on which the transformation processes of any organisation can be changed by implementing several technologies, processes, and goals. The main aim of change management is to apply several types of strategies to assist the people of the company in adopting changes and controlling changes. Leaders are considered as the power of an organisation that can create new plans. Leaders of companies have created many new plans and strategies to bring the change processes within the organisation, but sometimes they failed to adopt the changes. Different types of changes such as changes in communication, innovation, and implementation plans have been done to bring changes within any kind of company. Communication is the driving factor based on which Asian companies can successfully meet their target on time. According to the findings of Alqatawenah (2018), the leaders of Tokopedia tried to implement innovation processes such as technology implementation but failed to change the mindset of old employees. In this way, the “change management” processes have been disrupted by poor leadership strategies. The balance between the engagement and the productivity of employees in Tokopedia has decreased due to the uncertainty processes of the “work from home” technique. The changes in technological aspects have not been done for this reason.

The main issue is the poor leadership techniques for which the processes of “change management” cannot be possible. It has been observed that the leaders have not motivated their employees and for this reason, they have not met the target and goals of their companies. Moreover, the communication gap between employees and leaders can affect the change management process. The leaders want to apply modern and advanced technologies but they have not convinced employees to adopt the changes and for this reason, change management processes have been disrupted. The leaders failed to meet the main goals of the companies and did not motivate and appreciate their employees to bring the change process. Moreover, financial issues are also a problem for which the implementation of technology cannot possible. Many experienced employees did not accept the changing process and this is the main reason for appearing the issue.

Figure 1.

Reason for arriving issues in Indian start-ups

(Source:, 2020a)

The issues are increasing in recent days for arriving the global pandemic. Many start-up companies in Asia have not had enough funds to implement modern technology for improving the overall function of companies. It has been seen that half of the start-ups in India are out of funds and for this reason, the leaders have not afforded much money to make the changes in the companies. Almost 38% of all the start-ups have faced issues of having a lack of money and for this reason; the employees have not obtained their salaries at that crisis time (, 2020a). This research is focused on choosing the appropriate leadership strategies grounded on which the “change management” processes can be improved within Asian start-ups. Leadership strategies should be improved because the firms have suffered many issues for not adopting the “change management” techniques. The best leadership strategies can change the mindset of employees and for this reason; employees can do their best effort for the firm for reaching its goals.

The main objectives of this research are:

The aim of this research is to find out the best leadership strategies for improving the change management processes within start-ups in Asia.

  • To know the concept of change management and leadership strategies

  • To determine the impact of the change management process on Asian start-ups

  • To identify challenges in bringing change management process

  • To find some strategies for improving the leadership processes to adopt the change management processes

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