Building Sustainable Smart Cities Through Cloud and Intelligent Parking System

Building Sustainable Smart Cities Through Cloud and Intelligent Parking System

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9999-3.ch009
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This chapter discusses the role of cloud computing and intelligent parking systems in sustainable smart cities, addressing challenges like traffic congestion, pollution, and resource inefficiency. These technologies enhance urban mobility, reduce environmental impact, and improve quality of life in cities facing rapid urbanization worldwide. This chapter offers a thorough analysis of the integration of cloud computing and intelligent parking systems in sustainable urban development, highlighting successful implementations and lessons learned. It also explores potential future developments and policy considerations to facilitate widespread adoption of these technologies, highlighting the importance of global best practices.
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Urbanization is an undeniable global trend, with more people moving into cities than ever before. While this urban growth brings economic opportunities and cultural vibrancy, it also presents significant challenges. Traffic congestion, pollution, and resource inefficiency are pressing issues in many cities, threatening both the environment and the quality of life for their inhabitants. In response to these challenges, the integration of cloud computing and intelligent parking systems has emerged as a promising solution to foster sustainable development in smart cities. Rapid urbanization presents challenges and opportunities, affecting infrastructure, transportation systems, and resources. Smart cities, utilizing technology and data, aim to transform urban living into an efficient, convenient, and environmentally responsible experience (Batool et al., 2021). The integration of cloud computing and intelligent parking systems is crucial for sustainable smart cities, as it not only addresses urban congestion but also reduces environmental footprints and enhances residents' quality of life by reducing urban environmental impact (Kumar et al., 2017).

Smart cities are envisioned as future urban spaces optimized for efficiency and sustainability, leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) to connect everyday objects and infrastructure to the internet, enabling data collection and exchange. IoT serves as the foundation for intelligent parking systems and cloud computing in smart cities (Mishra & Chakraborty, 2020). The integration of cloud computing and intelligent parking systems in cities can address pressing urban challenges like traffic congestion, emissions reduction, mobility enhancement, and resident well-being, resulting in vibrant, efficient, and environmentally friendly cities (Perera et al., 2017).

At the heart of this transformation is the concept of intelligent parking systems. Traditional parking management has often been characterized by frustration, inefficiency, and wasted time as drivers circle the streets in search of elusive parking spaces. Intelligent parking systems, powered by sensors, real-time data, and cloud-based platforms, offer a solution to this age-old problem. They provide drivers with real-time information about available parking spaces, enable mobile app-based payments and reservations, and optimize parking space allocation (Kaur et al., 2018). The result is a streamlined parking experience that reduces congestion and contributes to cleaner air in urban areas. Cloud computing plays a pivotal role in the success of intelligent parking systems. By leveraging the power of the cloud, cities can collect, process, and store vast amounts of parking data efficiently. Cloud-based platforms facilitate real-time data sharing between parking facilities, city authorities, and drivers, ensuring that parking information is always up-to-date and accessible. Moreover, the scalability and flexibility of cloud infrastructure allow cities to expand their intelligent parking systems as their populations grow and mobility needs evolve (Ballon et al., 2011).

As cities continue to grapple with the challenges of urbanization, smart parking systems serve as a cornerstone of sustainable urban development. They promote the use of public transportation, reduce the number of cars on the road, and decrease emissions. They also improve traffic flow by minimizing the time spent searching for parking and reducing the stress associated with congested city driving. Additionally, smart parking systems contribute to a city's overall sustainability by optimizing the utilization of parking spaces, reducing energy consumption in parking facilities, and enhancing the urban landscape (Alam et al., 2022). This journey towards building sustainable smart cities through the integration of cloud computing and intelligent parking systems is not without its challenges and complexities. It requires collaboration among government agencies, private sector partners, and technology providers. It demands careful consideration of security and privacy concerns, the development of robust data management and governance strategies, and the establishment of regulatory frameworks that support innovation while safeguarding citizens' rights (Agrawal et al., 2024; B et al., 2024).

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