Bucs Abroad: International Service-Learning at a State College

Bucs Abroad: International Service-Learning at a State College

Katharine O'Connor, Jordan Donini, Michael Messina, Angus Cameron
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2133-1.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter focuses on showcasing two case studies of multidisciplinary, international service-learning courses offered on the state college level. The authors will focus on best practices of multidisciplinary, international service-learning such as understanding student demographics in order to recruit and prepare students for study abroad experiences. Preparation of student expectation, cultural mentors, and identifying service-learning partners will be covered. The chapter will also offer insights into creative research projects also known as “UnEssays” as a pedagogical tool.
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Introduction Of Multidisciplinary, International Service-Learning

As a state college, part of FSW’s mission is to “serve as a leader for intellectual, economic, and cultural awareness in the community,” as well as expand access to a world-class education in our community. Service learning, also called community-engaged learning, is a high-impact experiential learning practice that reflects engagement with real-world issues and promotes humanistic values of inclusion and ethical community participation. Community-engaged learning, is a high-impact, integrative practice that leads to positive outcomes such as higher grade point averages, increased retention rates, and increased critical thinking abilities (Kuh, 2008). Community-engaged learning has been found to have a particularly meaningful impact on students of color (Mungo, 2017). Considering FSW’s designation as a Hispanic Serving Institute (HSI) and a “First Gen Forward” institution, integrating community-engaged learning into the curriculum is a natural fit.

This chapter will discuss FSW’s integration of international service-learning within two study abroad trips. The first trip took place in Italy and the second took place in Costa Rica. This case study is unique because not only will it feature international service-learning, it will also feature multidisciplinary approaches.

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