Brain-Machine Interface and Blockchain in Avatar-Based Systems

Brain-Machine Interface and Blockchain in Avatar-Based Systems

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7455-6.ch021
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The main purpose of this research is to provide a solution that allows neuroscientists and developers to keep the track of the neurosignals of live beings or biologically simulated neural networks and store them having the ability to guarantee that output of neurosignal translation was correct and can be reproduced later on any other biologically simulated neuron. Such a situation is especially important for the case when producers of different equipment, which are based on the biologically simulated neurons, can predict its behavior and guarantee that it will have accepted level of output deviations. Such a situation can be used for tracking live neurosignals of a beings and then reproduce them on avatars or different types of robots, neural networks, etc.
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Future producers of different equipment based on biologically simulated neurons will face with the problem where they have to be able: a) to predict the output of neurons based on their input b) reproduce such the output based on the well known inputs and consequently guarantee that deviation of output is in the acceptable range. And for such the purpose it will be necessary to provide a mechanism of storing the input signals providing guarantee that such the signals have never been altered. This approach could be applied not only in some neuron-based gadgets but also in Avatars where such the guarantee is extremely important. Thus as a saving mechanism we could consider blockchain. A blockchain is a data structure which guarantees that none of its element has never been altered and it can be confirmed by digital signatures and blocks’ hashes. Currently blockchain is used mostly in crypto-currency sphere although there are some attempts of apply blockchain to the other spheres such as voting, bookkeeping documents, etc. The guaranteed backlog of neurosignals is going to be on demand soon because such the data will be widely analyzed by Big Data and used in many sphere from scientific and medical researches to applied “templates” where certain set of the signals could be considered as a template and might be reused or spotted in the frame of another kind of research.

Over a decade a new term blockchain is known as a technology which is used as distributed database which keeps the track of financial transactions of different types of crypto-currencies, such as BTC, ETH, etc. All the payments or financial transactions go via peer-to-peer network which allows to decentralized the participants of the network granting them equal, from the network point of view, privileges and consequently such the network architecture is different from a regular client-server architecture where all the clients depend on the server: in the other words, if server is down then no client can connect to it and consequently make any type of transaction. Bitcoin officially was the first globally known crypto-currency, although the very first one appeared in the beginning of 90s. The Bitcoin blockchain contains only financial transactions and nothing else. However blockchain can be used for storing not only financially related data and thus it means blockchain can be applied and use in many different spheres. The typical structure of blockchain is represented by the number of the linked blocks where each block contains not only a useful data(in the case of bitcoin it could be the financial transactions) but also a reference to the previous block and a digital signature. This a very simple description of how blockchain looks like. In real world it’s a bit more complicated and could even include some machine related instructions or smart contracts. The blockchain can be stored either on a single machine and this is the case for so called Scrooge coin, or it could be shared among multiple nodes where each node is represented by machine. The sharing of a blockchain could be useful when it is necessary to increase the trust level to some product/instrument: in the case of Bitcoin it is a financial instrument, so it makes sense to increase its trust level among the users. But this is not a must and in this case blockchain could be private serving as a special type of a database.

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