Boosting E-Participation: The Use of Social Media in Municipalities in the State of Mexico

Boosting E-Participation: The Use of Social Media in Municipalities in the State of Mexico

David Valle-Cruz, Rodrigo Sandoval-Almazan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3706-3.ch080
(Individual Chapters)
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In this chapter, the authors show two case studies of the use of social media in municipal governments: Lerma, a small municipality with a significant growth, and Metepec, an important municipality of the State of México. The purpose of this chapter is to provide empirical evidence of how social media improves government to citizen relationship and promotes e-participation in municipal governments. The results are based on semi-structured interviews applied to public servants and a survey to evaluate e-government services by citizens. So, the citizen perception is contrasted with public servants' interviews. Citizens consider that electronic procedures and services implemented by their municipalities do not generate value. The efforts of governments should focus on avoiding corruption, making governments transparent, opening data, and properly managing the privacy of information.
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Citizen participation empowers people and represents power redistribution to consider citizens’ opinion to economic and political decisions. In this manner citizens can produce social reforms in order to share the benefits to society.

According to Arstein (1969) there are different levels of participation classified into a ladder. At the lowest level, there is the nonparticipation forms (1. Manipulation and 2. Therapy), here citizens are used by powerful actor to impose their agenda. Tokenism occurs when participants hear about interventions and may say something about them (3. Informing, 4. Consultation, and 5. Placation), and finally the higher level of the ladder is represented when citizens have more power to negotiate and change the status quo (6. Partnership, 7. Delegated Power, and 8. Citizen Control).

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