Bookstagrammers vs. BookTubers: A Comparative Study on Readers' Preferred Social Media Book Influencer

Bookstagrammers vs. BookTubers: A Comparative Study on Readers' Preferred Social Media Book Influencer

Harshita Singh, Sandeep Kumar Singh
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4195-7.ch014
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As the Internet has become a part of many people's daily lives, it has led to the growth of a reading culture influenced by book bloggers on different social media platforms. This chapter identifies two social media platforms that the readers utilize to share about the books they have read. While readers have found their reading space on social media platforms, some have become book influencers. This chapter identifies two categories of prominent literary influencers i.e., Bookstagrammers and BookTubers. Since the readers follow book influencers to learn about the latest books and to read their reviews before making their purchase decision. This chapter aims to compare and analyse the prominent categories of book influencers focusing on knowing more about the preferred book influencers from the readers' point of view.
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Reviews are the honest opinions of users who have used the product or service in some capacity. Studies have demonstrated that Social Media (SM) has become a significant source of information and reviews for users to gain information about other customers' online ratings and opinions about the product; this helps users lower the risk associated with their choices and buy the products that match their need and expectation (Farzin et al., 2020, 2022; MajlesiRad & Haji pour Shoushtari, 2020). Since Publishers are now approaching Bookfluencers to market and promote their books online, it is important to know who do the readers prefer as their source of information on books when making their purchase decision. Hence, one of the main topics of this study is to know how reviews of books on different SM platforms impact the reader's purchase intention. In this study, we investigate this question within the context of book reviews of Bookfluencers.

With the evolution of information technology, numerous SM platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube are popular among internet users, including individuals and organizations. These technologies enable users to create content and communicate, connect, and share their thoughts and ideas with their network of people. (Cheng et al., 2020). Globally, there are an estimated 3.6 billion SM users, and by 2025, that number is expected to rise to about 4.41 billion (Jacobson & Harrison, 2022; Fernandes et al., 2022). According to the latest report by Statista (2023) in July, Facebook has the highest number of users (2989 million users), followed by YouTube (2527 million users), Instagram (2000 million users), WeChat (1319 million users) and TikTok (1218 million users). Initially, SM platforms were intended for user entertainment. Today, they have revolutionized the way information is circulated among users (Cinelli et al., 2021), considering how users interact in real-time or asynchronously with big or niche communities that gain value from user-generated content (UGC) and build a sense of connection with others (Wibowo et al., 2021).

In marketing, SM is a platform where people build their network and share information or sentiments. SM has transformed how firms interact, engage, and influence consumers. It enables firms and customers to connect better and understand their audience to build solid ties and determine customer referral behavior. However, people started using SM platforms to sell products and services over other marketplace platforms, and this suggests that, despite the advanced capabilities of the marketplace platform, when the right marketing content is shown to the customers on the SM platforms, it still entices individuals to buy products through SM. Therefore, this led to the emergence of Social Media Marketing (SMM) (Li et al., 2021). SMM is an extension of traditional and digital marketing communication tools that monitor, support, and stimulate consumer communications, collaborations, and interactions with the firm, its brands, and other customers. It also describes customers' perceptions of the company's various marketing efforts on the SM platform (Ebrahim, 2020; Yadav & Rahman, 2018). SMM is similar to word-of-mouth marketing, except it is more public and visible. Marketers embrace Word-of-Mouth (WOM) because they understand that consumer-driven messages are more successful than company-sponsored messages (Clark et al., 2017). Today, electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) is shared by consumers via product and service reviews on various online platforms and are usually expressed in the form of star ratings (1 to 5 stars) and open-ended review texts; these online reviews are the key reference information for consumers to confirm their purchase decision (Zuo & Gou, 2023).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing comprises of marketing activity targeted at gaining traffic or attention via online communities, social networks, or other platforms. Marketers leverage the power of social media platforms to persuade customers that a marketer’s products or services are valuable.

Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing is a marketing communication strategy in which a firm selects and incentivizes specific online influencers to engage their followers on social media to promote the firm’s products and services

Book Marketing: Book marketing is the process of identifying target audiences, creating effective marketing plans for a book to generate interest among readers, and ultimately driving the book sales.

Social Media Influencers: They are social media users who have gained popularity for their content on social media platforms. They have built a reputation and image for their expertise and knowledge on a specific topic. They consistently post pictures and videos on their preferred social media platform to generate a large following on their social media handles and have the power to influence those who follow their content.

BookTubers: Bookfluencers on YouTube are known as BookTubers, and their community is known as BookTube.

Book Influencers / Bookfluencers: Social media users who create and share content about books on their social media profiles are Book Influencers / Bookfluencers. They are Social Media Influencers for the books.

Electronic-Word of Mouth (eWOM) Marketing: eWOM marketing is the exchange of information online among consumers that builds consumer attitudes and Behaviour toward products and services

Bookstagrammers: Bookfluencers on Instagram are known as Bookstagrammers, and their community is known as Bookstagram

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