Body Scanner Measurements for Apparel Design in Mexican Women

Body Scanner Measurements for Apparel Design in Mexican Women

Lilia Roselia Prado-León, Carlos Aceves-González
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5234-5.ch012
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This chapter aims to report data on body dimensions and proportions for apparel design in Mexican women and to analyze changes in dimensions and proportions among groups according to the age. Measurements of 1131 female subjects aged from 15 to 65 years from the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara, Mexico were obtained using the TC2 3D body scanning system. Mean, standard deviation, and percentiles 5, 50, and 95 were calculated for 28 dimensions of six age groups. Body proportion was calculated for 26 dimensions with respect to stature, using mean data of those groups. Results show changes in body dimensions and proportions with age. Weight increases gradually from 15 to 65 years of age, with gains in all groups as age advances. Stature was very similar between the younger groups, but it began to decrease the ages of 35-44. The authors emphasize the relevance of addressing such differences for optimal anthropometric garment fitting.
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In the sphere of Ergonomics, there is a clear need for anthropometric data in designing space, equipment and furnishings, with a large number of research projects establishing ergonomic guidelines for product or workspace design (Castellucci, Arezes, & Viviani, 2010; Dianat, Karimi, Asl Hashemi, & Bahrampour, 2013; Laios & Giannatsis, 2010; Panagiotopoulou, Christoulas, Papanckolaou, & Mandroukas, 2004; Yokota, 2005). However, apparel design should also include knowledge of the user population’s anthropometric data (Roebuck, Jr., 1995). Apparel fitting is important because contributes to the confidence and comfort of the wearer, but also because consumers tend to blame themselves when the clothes do not fit their bodies (Laitala, Klepp, & Benedicte, 2011). The close relationship between clothing, body measurement and shape, and proportion is still a challenge for ergonomic engineering (Konz & Johnson, 2000). Hsu (2008) points out that the application of ergonomics in the apparel should considers anthropometric data, as well as body shape and proportions.

In line, Loker, Ashdown, & Schoenfelder (2005) mention that one way of improving the sizing system is to change basic specifications for each size so they correspond more closely to proportions for the majority of the user population. Also, Pheasant (1996) has suggested that variations in body dimensions for different groups should be observed not only according to body size but body proportion. Body proportions are the relation calculated between one body dimension and a specific referent dimension. Proportions for various corporal dimensions change over the course of a life (Roebuck, Kromer, & Thomson, 1975).

Currently, there are many consumers who state frustration about the sizing systems and the incorrect use of the system (Laitala et al., 2011). For instance, the Kurt Salmon Associates (2000) study reported that 50% of women in the United States complain of not being able to find clothing that fits well. According to Laitala et al. (2011), there are disparities within clothing sizes used today, which could cause confusion and fit problems among customers. These authors also mention that the customer groups that have most problems are mainly women. For instance, in a survey of 106 young college women in Mexico, Corona (2014) found that 41.5% of participants did not know with certainty their size due to the variability of measurements for each size between brands.

Key Terms in this Chapter

3D Body Dimensions: Measurements of body dimensions made with a scanner that provides three-dimensional data.

Body Proportions: Relationship of correspondence between different parts of the body and a selected body dimension as constant.

Younger People: People aged 59 and less.

Fitting Apparel: Adjustment of clothing to body shape and dimensions.

Ergonomic Design: Design of products, tools, clothes, systems, or environments that considers the characteristics of people who will use them.

Older People: People aged 60 and more.

Anthropometry: It can be defined, in general terms, as the anthropological technique that measures the human body.

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