Blockchain Technology: Present and Future Perspectives

Blockchain Technology: Present and Future Perspectives

Tanya Kumar, Satveer Kaur
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4133-6.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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Blockchain technology is the digital network of storing the relevant information regarding cryptocurrencies and is growing its importance day by day. Advanced blockchain technology is being used in various cases for the creation of digital currency. Bitcoin is one of the famous cryptocurrencies and it was the main reason for the creation of blockchain technology with various computer networks. The security concerns of blockchain technology are quite high which results in overall protection of crypto information through proper verification. Blockchain technology increases the working capacity as well as profitability of various business concerns. Blockchain infrastructure is designed as per the needs and requirements of the organization and the focus of the organization is to keep the information secured as well as private, and blockchain technology is responsible in doing this commendable job in handling the mechanisms in an appropriate manner.
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Objectives Of The Study

The research in the area of Block Chain Technology is quite vast so it is important to limit the study and in order to reach the specific goal it is important to sub-divide the goal into further objectives. The research is conducted to concisely achieve the objectives which are as follows:

  • 1.

    To study the working of Block chain Technology

  • 2.

    To explore the companies using Block chain Technology

  • 3.

    To estimate the future requirements of Block chain Technology

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