Blockchain Technology for Convergence: An Overview, Applications, and Challenges

Blockchain Technology for Convergence: An Overview, Applications, and Challenges

Manpreet Kaur, Shikha Gupta
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6694-7.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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Blockchain technologies are drawing attention after the success of cryptocurrency. Due to the inherent features, such as decentralization, transparency, security, immutability, and integrity, they have already become the prime choice of researchers and scientists. Blockchain is among the most disruptive innovations which have the potential to reshape the behavior of many businesses and industries. Blockchain applications are based on DLT in which public ledger can be accessed by everyone by eliminating the need of third party. Although the power of AI allows the intelligence and decision-making powers of machines in the same way as humans, it relies on a unified model for training and validating datasets. However, the unified nature of AI poses many threats to data privacy and data tempering. Thus, the unique features of blockchain technology makes its application attractive in almost every field including financial services, healthcare, IoT, and many more. This chapter presents a comprehensive overview on blockchain and its integration with AI to explore numerous capabilities.
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Evolution Of Blockchain

Blockchain technology has been proven as one of the biggest innovations of this century. As shown in Table 1 it has four phases of its evolution. In first phase financial transactions based on DLT to be executed with Bitcoin. In second phase, smart contracts came into existence which are self-executing

Table 1.
Evolution of Blockchain
GenerationDescriptionUse casesYear
First GenerationStore and transfer of valueBitcoin, Ripple, Dash)(1991)-2008)
Second GenerationProgrammable via smart contractsEthereum(2008-2013)
Third GenerationEnterprise BlockchainsHyperledger R3 Corda & Ethereum Quorum(2013-2015)
Next GenerationHighly scalable with high concurrencyRChain2015 onwards

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