Blockchain Security Enhancement Through Cybersecurity: A Response to Attacks With Countermeasures

Blockchain Security Enhancement Through Cybersecurity: A Response to Attacks With Countermeasures

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3494-2.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Defending blockchain technology from cyber dangers is essential in today's age of advances in technology and also increase in usage of Blockchain Technology. Due to the ever-changing nature of these dangers, people as well as businesses now seriously worry about protecting sensitive data and digital assets. Blockchain structure and cybersecurity are two essential elements of modern digital security that work together to increase the safety of Blockchain Technology. By utilising cybersecurity techniques, Blockchain Technology can be secured. However, cybersecurity refers to a variety of techniques and procedures used to protect systems, networks, and data from risks and attacks that arise online. Therefore, the primary inquiry that is the aim is to answer is: How can cybersecurity techniques be used to improve Blockchain Technology? This chapter will provide significant insights into this vital collaboration between technology and security as we thoroughly examine how blockchain technology may be improved and secured against the cyberattacks.
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