Blockchain Revolution in Education and Lifelong Learning

Blockchain Revolution in Education and Lifelong Learning

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0405-1.ch006
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The current chapter presents an overview on the importance of blockchain technology in the field of education and lifelong learning. It discusses the existing blockchain models applicable to the education sector such as decentralized student records and credentials verification systems, secure and transparent transaction platforms for micro-credentials, and blockchain-based student identity management systems. Sustainable blockchain-led strategies and framework for responsible blockchain for empowering the stakeholders involved, enhancing educational innovation and infrastructure, and reducing the inequalities are discussed. Moreover, the chapter throws light on the innovative practices to revolutionize traditional education systems, credentialing, and payment methods, offering several significant benefits to the world of higher education.
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Fundamental Components

Introducing readers to these concepts is crucial because they form the foundation of blockchain technology (Puthal et al., 2018), which has far-reaching implications across various industries.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Scalability: Scalability is the ability of the technology to continuously respond and operate as the input size increases

Cryptographic Hash: It is like a unique fingerprint for each block. It's generated through a cryptographic algorithm and is a fixed-length string of characters.

Interoperability: Interoperability in blockchain refers to capability of networks to communicate with other blockchain networks.

Blockchain: A blockchain is like a digital ledger or record book. It's made up of a chain of blocks, where each block contains a list of transactions.

Smart Contract: Smart contracts are self-executing, programmable contracts that automate and enforce the terms of an agreement or transaction within a blockchain network.

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